NASA May Soon Nuke Asteroids To Safeguard Planet Earth

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and the National Nuclear Security Administration announced that they are collaborating to develop a plan that involves using nuclear weapons to demolish asteroids. On Wednesday, June 17, the two agencies concur that they will be working together to safeguard planet Earth. The objective of the joint project is to understand more intensely how to veer away asteroids and comets that has great potential to attack parts of the Earth and possibly the entire planet.

NASA and the National Nuclear Security Administration made their own investigations on the possibility of planetary damage due to an asteroid attack. Both agencies studied cosmic fragments, created interceptor devices and conducted simulated supercomputer-generated tests to find out if nuclear power can shove a big asteroid off its path. Public federal authorities and private corporation experts regard the collaboration as way to inculcate professional cooperation and governmental planning, which are crucial in elevating the high chances of successful asteroid deviation.

"It's a big step forward," said Kevin Greenaugh, a senior official at the nuclear security agency. "Whenever you have multiple agencies coming together for the common defense, that's news."

Not all scientists are keen to the development of nuclear-powered interventions as these atomic measures only applies to highly rapid threats, which cannot be counteracted by less powerful tools. Nuclear weapons are particularly suitable for asteroids and comets that measure 164-492 feet in size. Other experts also claimed that the rock debris that will come about after the nuclear attack may worsen the situation hence, deflection is still the better option. Using nuclear power may be used as last resort, said H. Jay Melosh, a geophysicist at Purdue University. Melosh worked as part of a national panel that assessed the extraterrestrial dangers.

Asteroids and comets exist as remains of the solar system's birth. Comets are said to be composed of dirty ice and only comes close to the Earth when nudged from its home orbits, which are located beyond Pluto. Asteroids are composed of rocks that most commonly travel between Jupiter and Mars. The existence of comets near the Earth are somewhat unpredictable while asteroids may be detected well enough y astronomers provided that they spot the dim celestial bodies.

"The likelihood of something hitting us in the future is pretty guaranteed, although we're not freaking out that there is an imminent threat," said Jason Kessler, a NASA scientist.

Photo: Mike Beauregard | Flickr

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