Meet The River King, The Newest 'League of Legends' Champion

It's no secret that League of Legends features an eclectic cast of characters. This is, after all, a game that features a samurai, a teenage girl obsessed with explosions, a mummy, a puppy and an ancient underwater golem fighting it out — it might sound impossible, but somehow, it all works.

Creating and tuning characters is essential for any MOBA to succeed, and League of Legends continues to lead the pack, in that regard.

Despite all of its already-bizarre characters, Riot Games' latest Champion may be the strangest one yet. At first, the River King sounds like some sort of regal water elemental, or a god of nature — but that couldn't be further from the truth. No, the River King isn't some royal water spirit ... it's a catfish.

Now, that may sound ridiculous at first (to be honest, it is — at least a little bit), but once you watch the trailer for League of Legends' newest champion, you'll understand why the River King is a perfect fit for the game's roster.

Admittedly, calling the River King a catfish doesn't exactly do him justice: most people would have never-ending nightmares about catfish if they all looked like that.

When it comes to League of Legends, however, the River King should be right at home. He's certainly not a character that anyone would call a "hero," but his almost mythological backstory works well when compared with many of the game's other champions — it just has a bit more Cajun flair.

As it stands, Riot Games hasn't released any sort of in-game footage yet, so it's hard to pin down exactly what sort of character the River King will be — given his size, it's easy to assume that he'll be a heavier, tank-like character. Otherwise, next to nothing is known about how he'll play.

That being said, it's entirely possible that Riot Games was originally intending to release more information alongside the new trailer. Unfortunately, the game's Chinese site accidentally posted everything ahead of schedule — it's not hard to imagine that Riot Games wanted to unveil everything at once, then changed its plans when the trailer came out early.

Either way, it doesn't look like it'll be long before fans can try out the new hero for themselves. In the meantime, the game's free to play: if you want to check out League of Legends for yourself before the River King debuts, you can head on over to the game's official site.

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