Google Maps Now Alerts You If Your Destination Is About To Close

We've all been there. You decide to try something new – perhaps a restaurant or a bar – and whip out your cell, hit Google Maps, punch in the destination's address and follow it blindly ... only to discover the place you were curious about is closed for the night. What a bummer.

Well, Google Maps doesn't want you to waste your time any more. That's precisely why multiple reports have confirmed that Google Maps will now alert users if they're commuting to a place that will be closed upon their arrival.

Say you put in the address of a restaurant you want to go to. If it will be closed for the night by the time you arrive, Google Maps will reportedly alert you with the warning: "Your destination may be closed by the time you arrive." Drivers will then be hit with another alert for the normal hours of the establishment's operation, so perhaps you can attempt to go there another time.

If you're 30 minutes away from a destination and it closes in 25 minutes, Google Maps will alert you that your destination may be closed by the time of your arrival. Of course, you could prove it wrong — if you know a short cut or drive like you're in a NASCAR race.

The Google Maps version with this added alert is currently available for download at the Google Play Store. A very necessary new feature.

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