Warner Bros. Consumer Products unveiled the Batmobile featured in Zack Snyder's Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice at the Las Vegas Licensing Expo on Tuesday. But that wasn't the only thing we got to preview from the highly anticipated movie hitting theaters next week.
The costumes for Ben Affleck's Batman, Henry Cavill's Superman and Gal Gadot's Wonder Woman were also on display, giving us the first glimpse at how our favorite superheroes will suit up in the film.
We've seen a number of different movie looks for DC Comics' popular male superheroes, but this is the first time Wonder Woman will make her appearance on the big screen.
El Mayimbe shared some Wonder Woman concept art a couple weeks ago that gave us a taste of what the Amazon champion will look like.
RT! HOT #WONDERWOMAN promo art from #BatmanvSuperman #GalGadot
A photo posted by Heroic Hollywood (@heroichollywood) on May 27, 2015 at 5:40am PDT
The superheroine's just-revealed costume mirrors the concept art and features the iconic red, gold and blue ensemble with knee-high boots. Along with her armor, the mannequin holds a shield in one hand, while her lasso hangs from a leather strap that crosses her body, holding the sword on her back.
The Wonder Woman costume is a collaboration of Snyder and costume designer Michael Wilkinson. While it pays homage to the Wonder Woman looks of the past, it also reflects the tone of Synder's film.
Take a look at Licensing Expo photos of Wonder Woman's costume in Batman v Superman below.
A WONDERful Look at Wonder Woman - Licensing Expo 2015 https://t.co/aOFF4tQdLt https://t.co/MxwWRn8N1E pic.twitter.com/xvleLSnOhR — What'cha Reading (@WhatchaReading1) June 9, 2015
So my day's off to an exciting start! Got to see the costumes and Batmobile from the new #SupermanVsBatman movie #licensingexpo A photo posted by @jsena333 on Jun 9, 2015 at 10:37am PDT
Close up photos of #WonderWoman at the licensing expo ! pic.twitter.com/xzcogLePJB — Cinematic Experience (@CinematicEX) June 9, 2015
Get a closer look at the Trinity's costumes in #BatmanvSuperman at the Licensing Expo in Vegas https://t.co/2ZxX5jSOft pic.twitter.com/o1AryxxIjv — Earth Prime Weekly (@earthprimewkly) June 9, 2015
More pics of #WonderWoman's costume. #LicensingExpo #BatmanvSuperman #BatmanvSupermanDawnofJustice A photo posted by TJ (@tvmovieland) on Jun 9, 2015 at 10:19am PDT
Here's #WonderWoman's costume on display at the #LicensingExpo in Las Vegas. #BatmanvSuperman #BatmanvSupermanDawnofJustice A photo posted by TJ (@tvmovieland) on Jun 9, 2015 at 10:13am PDT
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