Google Glass hooks up with iPhone for SMS notifications - Android-only no more

Google Glass wearers are part of a very exclusive club. It's so exclusive, in fact, that up until now there were basically no iPhone users allowed. Obviously, since Glass is made by Google, which is the company behind the Android operating system, it isn't exactly optimized for those using iOS devices.

Now, Google and Apple have finally set aside their monumental differences to bring iPhone SMS notifications to Google Glass. Glass users won't be able to answer the texts using Glass due to iOS restrictions, but iPhone users will at least be able to see when they are receiving a text.

Google has been hard at work adding new functionalities to Glass, as it prepares for the launch of a consumer version of the device. The new addition of many apps from the Google App Suite, including a new calendar app, as well as the standard Gmail, Google+ and Google Play Music apps, makes Google Glass much more appealing than it was previously. The app suite for Glass is now being called Glasswear.

Google will now start updating Glass apps individually, rather than issuing a huge, all-encompassing software update every time an app news to be improved. Google is clearly making a lot of moves toward making Glass more consumer-friendly, but it still has a long way to go in terms of improving the public opinion of Glass, especially in the United States.

Glass users have been mugged, harassed, attacked and threatened with tasers in the past few months. They have faced bar and driving bans, as well as the negative stigma of being so-called Glassholes. Google Glass has created a whole new wave of technophobia around the United States.

Google is hard at work to fix Glass's image and to make sure that its users are true brand ambassadors. Google has even gone so far as to issue a guide to using Glass, as well as a long list of don'ts for its users.

Still, in spite of all the negative press, interest in Glass is undeniable. The first and only time Google has opened Glass up to the public for sale so far, it was met with great enthusiasm from buyers. In fact, Google sold out of Glass within the first 24 hours of the sale.

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