Rumor: Is Another Hulk Set To Appear In 'Captain America: Civil War?'

No one ever expected the Hulk to become the standout character of Avengers. After two commercial failures with 2003's Hulk and 2008's The Incredible Hulk, it was starting to look like Bruce Banner just wasn't fit for the silver screen.

Of course, that's all changed now: the character quickly became a fan favorite when Mark Ruffalo took over for Edward Norton, and his appearances in the Avengers films have brought the character into the public eye like never before.

However, with the next Avengers film still three years out, it'll likely be some time before fans get another chance to see the Hulk in action. Without spoiling anything, Marvel's made it clear that Bruce Banner probably won't be back anytime soon — leaving the Marvel Cinematic Universe without one of its most popular characters.

Thankfully, there are alternatives: the Marvel Universe is full of different irradiated superheroes, any of which could help fill the Hulk-sized gap in the MCU. In fact, if the latest rumors are true, it might not be long before fans get to see one of Banner's gamma-fueled allies hit theaters.

Granted, this is all still speculation: the rumor doesn't have a lot of evidence to back it up, so everything should be taken with a huge grain of salt. Then again — would anyone really mind if another Hulk joined the Marvel Cinematic Universe?

At this point, fans will just have to wait and find out; Captain America: Civil War won't hit theaters until May 6, 2016.

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