Millions of tiny ice crystals suspended in the upper atmosphere can produce the optical phenomenon of a solar halo when sunlight passes through them, causing the light to bend into a colorful ring in the sky.
Concerned and amazed citizens spotted the halo in several Mexican cities, most particularly above the capital's most celebrated landmark, the Angel of Independence.
Juan Manuel Caballero, National Weather Service coordinator, stated he had received about 30 telephone calls from persons who thought it was a "bad omen."
"It's very common. The thing is that people never look up," Caballero explained.
See interesting memes people posted about the solar halo on Twitterverse:
Espectacular imagen #HaloSolar y avión vía @viajaVolaris
— Webcams de México (@webcamsdemexico) May 21, 2015
".. ladies and gents, this is not our final destination."
#LoMásVisto: Sorprende #HaloSolar a los capitalinos — REFORMACOM (@REFORMACOM) May 22, 2015
"The light of independence should always shine bright."
Así se ve el #HaloSolar desde Coapa ¿Qué les parece? — Club América (@CF_America) May 21, 2015
"Global warming is happening! Let's do our part."
Halo seen around the Sun in Mexico City. #HaloSolar — Joel Franco (@OfficialJoelF) May 21, 2015
“It’s bright. It’s beautiful. The great Mexico City.“
People of earth, lend me your energy! #HaloSolar — Goku (@Goku) May 21, 2015
“Love this episode. If only solar energy could be gathered so easily.”
Nothing to see here. #HaloSolar — Goku (@Goku) May 21, 2015
“Only powerful people could harness the power of the sun.”
#HaloSolar, un interesante fenómeno atmosférico, se observa en este momento en la #CDMX #mm — Miguel ángel Mancera (@ManceraMiguelMX) May 21, 2015
“Electricity would be cheaper with solar energy and the world would be cleaner.“
Cristo Rey y el #HaloSolar que despertó a los caleños — (@elpaiscali) May 5, 2015
“God’s light is brightest. Embrace it.”
Maxi home home... Maxi home home... #HaloSolar
— Max Heredia (@maxfreixenet) May 21, 2015
“Technology. High Resolution. Nowadays, it’s always touch screen.”
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