The Future Of Spider-Man Comics: Are Married Peter Parker And His Daughter Here To Stay?

Fact #1: will be born

Fact #2: Some of the characters, timelines and situations seen in the Secret Wars tie-in books will survive and be merged or absorbed into the NMU.

Fact #3: One tie-in book is called Amazing Spider-Man: Renew Your Vows, and features a married Peter Parker and Mary Jane, as well as their daughter. This daughter appears to be younger than Mayday Parker, the Spider-Girl character from the "MC2" universe. Because of this, we don't yet know if the daughter in Renew Your Vows is a younger version of Mayday or if she might be an entirely different character.

Marvel has released its solicitations today for August 2015, and as the issues of Renew Your Vows stack up, we can't help wondering: might Marvel use this opportunity to take back "One More Day" and all of the changes it made? Whether or not "One More Day" should be undone is a topic for another day (There are proponents for both sides, but it wouldn't be the first time Marvel's made a dramatic policy reversal).

Here's what we do know.

Issues #1 and #2 of Renew Your Vows both land in June, and Marvel's solicits label the series as "the one you've been asking for." The plot description explains that on Battleworld, Peter, M.J. and their daughter "have to scrape by to make ends meet, but they have each other." Sounds like the Peter Parker we know and love, doesn't it?

July's solicit for #3 describes Renew Your Vows as "the most controversial Spider-Man story of the year." That's a bit presumptuous, but if we're being honest, it's rather likely to come true. It's the just-announced issue #4 that's grabbed our attention, though. It describes a mystery scenario that requires Peter to protect his family by taking the fight "to the god-like Regent," whoever that is. And then it says, "But that doesn't mean his daughter will sit back and let her dad have all the fun!"

Boom. There it is. Peter and M.J.'s daughter in Renew Your Vows has spider-powers. Not really shocking, but good to have confirmation.

So, assuming this version of Peter, M.J. and their daughter do become part of the NMU ... What would that be like?

It's not hard to imagine a scenario where M.J. convinces Peter to semi-retire from the hero business, especially since we know for certain that Miles Morales will be part of the New Marvel Universe. So Peter passes the torch to Miles. This allows there to still be just one "Spider-Man," while giving the Peter/M.J. 'shippers their needed fix.

But how might their daughter figure into this new status quo? Well, Miles is still fairly young. From the August solicit, the littlest Parker looks to be around 10 years old, maybe? Might Miles and Ms. Parker become besties? Miles could be a "big brother" figure to her, even mentoring her a bit, while Peter mentors Miles.

Or here's a wild thought: What if Peter and M.J. sorta/kinda adopt Miles into their family?

All will be revealed starting next month.

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