Flayvr photo app raises $2 million - Bring some order to digital album chaos

How many pictures do you have on your smartphone? A lot, right? Most people do. Sometimes, scrolling through all your photos just to find that one picture that you really like can be very annoying. That's where Flayvr comes in.

Flayvr is a digital photo album app that takes a look at all your photos, checks your calendar and then categorizes the photos onto nice, organized photo albums. The albums are based on date and time, so if you had a big event, all of those photos will get lumped together in a cute album, making it easier to find the photo you are looking for.

When you tap on each album, the main photos pop up like in cute tiles of varying sizes on the screen. You can then select one and flip through from there, just like a real photo album. One of the tiles is also always dedicated to sharing, so if you want to share that photo - or the whole album for that matter - you can email it, send it to Facebook, WhatsApp or other apps you have already installed.

The layout is fresh, clean and simple. Although the Apple iOS 7 software update performs a similar function, categorizing photos by date in the long view, it doesn't really make albums that are as specific as those generated by Flayvr. Flayvr is also a bit nicer to look at, honestly. There's also the benefit that it's available for Android as well as iOS.

Although the app has been around for a while, Flayvr CEO Ron Levy and CTO Adi Ashkenazi are very excited about the app's potential for future growth. After all, they did just raise $2 million more dollars to expand their team and offices.

"Right now, we are focused on creating a new mobile photo and video gallery experience, built around memories rather than a never-ending scroll of thumbnails," Levy said. "There are obvious opportunities to take this same kind of innovation to the large, disorganized shoeboxes in the cloud, but the focus today is on perfecting the mobile experience. Flayvr technology can do for photos and videos what Waze did for maps and WhatsApp did for messaging."

It certainly looks like they are on the right track.

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