5 Kickstarter Projects Science Lovers Will Love: LightSail, Weather Point, Dotlens, mBot, The Koben

Kickstarter was the humble beginning of many creative projects that have since taken off and the crowdfunding site continues to offer help to those whose innovations and ideas need exposure and funding.

For science lovers looking for worthwhile projects to support, the site currently has projects that they would likely love to back up. Here are five of them:

LightSail is a project by space advocacy group The Planetary Society which aims to send two small solar sail spacecraft into space. What makes this tiny CubeSat different is that it will be powered by the unlimited energy from the sun which means it won't carry heavy fuels with it in orbit. The proof-of-concept mission could pave way for inexpensive space travels that use solar energy in the future.

Weather Point is a small gadget that can serve as an easy to carry humidity meter, thermometer, UV index and atmospheric pressure meter that works with mobile devices. In short, it's a personal weather station that can prove helpful to certain people particularly those who love outdoor activities and need to rely on weather forecasts.

Dotlens smartphone microscope lens is the first inkjet printed microscope lens that allows users to convert their smartphone into a microscope. The lens is attached into the smartphone camera lens without the need for any attachment and allows users to see things such as strands of hair, tiny insects and patterns of leaves in detail. It also features an identical optic power comparable to professional microscope lenses costing up to a hundred times more.

mBot. If robotics would be the trend in the future, the best way to familiarize the future generation would be through robots such as mBot, an educational robot that kids can use to learn not just robotics but also programming and Arduino. The team behind the project offers an alternative to robots in the market that are expensive, difficult to assemble and hard to program by providing an affordable, open source robot that is easy for kids to use.

Karmic Koben is an electric bike that allows its rider to go faster and farther with the team behind the project hailing it as the bike of the future that makes you feel superhuman.

"The Karmic Experience is like having bionic legs," the project's Kickstarter page reads. "This is the bike that will get you riding again. You'll no longer think: "too far," "too hilly," or "too sweaty."

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