This Video Accurately Sums Up What It's Like To Play With A Third-Party Video Game Controller

It has happened to all of us. You show up to a friend's place for some multiplayer mayhem, but forget to bring your own controller. You sit down on the couch, ready to play when the unthinkable happens: you are forced to play with a $10, off-brand controller.

The buttons feel wrong under your thumbs. The analog sticks are stiff and uncooperative. The triggers...let's not even talk about the triggers. You never stood a chance. How are you supposed to win under these conditions? It's like trying to play the piano in a pair of mittens.

Playing with a third party controller is no laughing matter. Okay, maybe it is, as CollegeHumor shows in a new video. It kind of hits the nail on the head. It has it all: the clear plastic casing, the flashing lights that attempt to blind you to the fact that you just threw $10 down the drain, the pointless additional buttons.

It's like third-party controller manufacturers want you to know their controller is totally garbage. Why else would they make their poor quality so easy to spot? Just use this simple, easy to understand checklist before buying a new controller and you will be all set:

1. Is the controller clear, so you can see the wiring inside? If the answer is "Yes," then that controller is trash.

2. Does the controller light up for no reason whatsoever? If the answer is "Yes," then that controller is trash.

3. Is it made by Microsoft, Sony or Nintendo? If the answer is "No," then that controller has a 99 percent chance of being trash.

See? Simple. Look, we all know official Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo controllers are expensive. Heck, some even cost as much as a brand new game. But that doesn't change the fact that your friends will hate you if they are forced to come over and use a monstrosity like the one seen in the video above. You do like having friends, right?

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