New Windows 10 Emoji Will Include A Middle Finger

Apple's recent iOS 8.3 update brought with it a revamped emoji keyboard featuring more than 300 new symbols. Even though the world was very grateful to finally have the highly anticipated set of racially diverse emoji at its fingertips, we all couldn't help but feel a little disappointed about the emojis that are still not available for iPhone users.

Where are the tacos, hockey sticks and llamas, Apple? Where are they?

While everyone has their own list of what emoji need to be added next, it seems like there is a strong consensus for a middle finger to be included in the emoji keyboards of the major smartphone operating systems. Though the Unicode Consortium approved a middle finger emoji last year, it has remained absent from iOS, Android and Windows phones... until now.

A middle finger will reportedly be among the new emojis coming to Windows 10, according to Emojipedia. Like Windows' current set of emojis, the middle finger emoji is similarly minimalistic, but if you received this little guy in a text, it should still be pretty clear that someone just flipped you the bird. It's never been so easy to express your anger with someone, whether playfully or for real.

Although Microsoft is a trailblazer in its implementation of the middle finger emoji, it seems to be following in Apple's footsteps in its other emoji updates, such as installing racially diverse emojis with Windows 10. The default will be gray, but users will be able to choose from a variety of skin tones for the emojis that look like humans and hand gestures, such as the middle finger.

Other emoji updates with Windows 10 include some alterations that clarify the facial expressions of emoticons, such as a calmer-looking relieved face, a more exasperated tired face and a screaming face closer to the one used by iOS and Android (and Edvard Munch). Windows 10 will also give users the Vulcan salute made famous by Mr. Spock on Star Trek. And the haircut emoji actually looks like a woman getting a trim now instead of the slightly enigmatic scissors and comb duo currently used.

Microsoft has yet to announce an exact release date for Windows 10, but AMD recently revealed that Windows 10 will launch in late July, according to The Verge. Until Windows 10 is actually released, we'll all just have to send someone the middle finger the old-fashioned way.

[H/T The Verge]

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