New 'Gotham' Clip Has The Penguin Payoff You've Been Waiting For

Monday night, May 4, marks the first season finale of Fox's hit freshman series Gotham. Like all good season finales, "All Happy Families Are Alike" promises to be momentous.

The gang war that's been brewing throughout the season comes to a head, a new "king of Gotham" is anointed, two rivals have a long overdue meeting, Bruce Wayne makes a shocking discovery about his dearly departed dad, and the king of all schemers — Oswald Cobblepot — is finally going to reveal his true colors to his mentor.

Yahoo sent over this clip of that fateful moment, and it's a nail-biter.

Aside from all these awaited confrontations and revelations, there are still lingering questions about that one major villain that have been hanging over the series since it began. Did we really meet the Joker a few episodes ago, in "The Blind Fortune Teller" (as played by Cameron Monaghan)? The producers promised he'd join the show before the end of the first season, so one way or another, we should get some definitive answers on Monday night.

Tune in Monday night to find out.

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