DirectX 12: New Square Enix Tech Demo Is Absolutely Gorgeous

Microsoft has been pushing Windows 10 for months now. Much of that push has doubled as an apology for the disaster that was Windows 8 — but Microsoft has also put quite a bit of focus toward gaming.

With Xbox One starting to pull itself back into the console war, now's the time for Microsoft to make a major move in the gaming scene. It's clear that the publisher realizes how important gaming is to its upcoming operating system.

DirectX 12 is set to ship alongside Windows 10, and Microsoft really wants you to know just how big of a deal that is. The publisher has been pushing DX 12 for almost as long as Windows 10 itself, but it's the sort of tech that's not easily explained through slideshows and text. You can say something is more efficient until the end of time — but unless players can see what the tech will do firsthand, it won't have much of an impact.

Microsoft knows this, and its latest DX 12 demo is easily the most impressive one yet. Partnering up with Square Enix is sure to turn heads — and the demo the team presented will make your jaw drop.

As with most technical demos, it's important to remember that this is in-engine, not in-game. There are infinitely more factors that go into running such a complicated game — so it shouldn't be assumed that the demo is representative of any final product. That's not to say that a game couldn't look like the tech demo, it's just that nothing can be confirmed quite yet.

That said, The Witch technical demo is on an entirely different level from most other engines out there. The detailing in the skin alone is enough to set it apart — but the sheer attention to the overall detail is absolutely ridiculous. Granted, it would probably take a super-powered computer from the future to run everything smoothly — but does that really matter when it's just so darn pretty?

The Witch doesn't appear to be attached to any known Square Enix project. Unless the woman in the demo is a character from the upcoming Final Fantasy XV, there's a chance that whatever inspired the demo has yet to be officially revealed... does Square Enix have another project up its sleeve?

There's no solid release date for Windows 10 or DirectX 12 just yet, but rumors suggest that the new operating system should hit sometime in July.

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