How To Watch The Full Marvel Cinematic Universe In Chronological Order

The Marvel cinematic universe is huge, and with the success of Marvel TV shows and movies, it's only getting bigger. And there's an overall connection and timeline with every single Marvel cinematic property, a link that ties every property together.

However, every time a new Marvel TV series or movie premieres, the universe gets that much more confusing, especially since each exists in its own timeline within the Marvel universe.

So how do you keep it all straight? Just in time for Avengers: Age of Ultron, we've put together a list of the full Marvel cinematic universe in chronological order. If you're looking to get caught up, here's your chance.

Please note that some of the following are "one-shots," video clips that were added to Marvel Blu-Ray and DVDs. They're not necessary to follow the Marvel timeline, but could fill in some gaps between events.

We started with Captain America: The First Avenger, which takes place during World War II, although it ends in modern-day (which we're seeing as a sort of prologue to that film). We also had to split up the Agents of SHIELD television series as events from the first season directly lead up to and then follow Captain America: Winter Soldier.

Also, Marvel has a lot of other series and films in the works, so it's likely this timeline could change in the future, especially after the company releases its Netflix series, along with future films.

Captain America: The First Avenger (Film)

Agent Carter (One-Shot on the Iron Man 3 Blu-Ray)

Agent Carter (TV series: Seasons 1-2)

Iron Man (Film)

Iron Man 2 (Film)

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Thor's Hammer (One-Shot on the Captain America: The First Avenger Blu-Ray)

Thor (Film)

The Incredible Hulk (2008 Film)

The Consultant (One-Shot on Thor Blu-Ray)

The Avengers (Film)

Item 47 (One-Shot on The Avengers Blu-Ray)

Iron Man 3 (Film)

Agents of SHIELD (TV Series: Season 1, Episodes 1-7)

All Hail The King (One-Shot on the Thor 2: The Dark World Blu-Ray and digital release)

Thor 2: The Dark World (Film)

Agents of SHIELD (TV Series: Season 1, Episodes 8-16)

Captain America: The Winter Soldier (Film)

Agents of SHIELD (TV Series: Season 1, Episodes 17-22)

Guardians of the Galaxy (Film)

Daredevil (Netflix Series: Season 1)

Jessica Jones (Netflix Series: Season 1)

Daredevil (Netflix Series: Season 2)

Agents of SHIELD (TV Series: Season 2, Episodes 1-19)

Avengers: Age of Ultron (Film)

Ant-Man (Film)

Agents of SHIELD (TV Series: Season 2, Episodes 20-22)

Agents of SHIELD (TV Series: Season 3, Episodes 1-19)

Captain America: Civil War (Film)

Agents of SHIELD (TV Series: Season 3, Episodes 20-22)

Doctor Strange (Film). This is the latest of the Marvel movies to be released. In this movie, Marvel fans are introduced to the Eye of Agamotto, a mystical relic created by Agamotto, the first Sorceror Supreme. This relic, which can manipulate time and is revealed to be an Infinity Stone at the end of the film, gives Doctor Strange powers beyond his comprehension. Doctor Strange's mid-credits scene also features Chris Hemsworth in a cameo appearance, as Thor meeting with Doctor Strange, that sets up the events of Thor: Ragnarok.

Related: The Best Easter Eggs And Comic References In Captain America: Civil War

[Photo Credit: Marvel]

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