Cheating Man's Girlfriend Soaks His iPhone, iPad, MacBook And Other Apple Devices In Tub Of Water

The girlfriend of a Japanese man who caught him cheating has taken the ultimate revenge — she dumped all of her boyfriend's Apple devices in a tub full of water.

The unnamed girlfriend the man, upon discovering that he was cheating on her, promptly struck back by attempting to destroy his most prized possessions — his collection of Apple devices. The woman filled a tub almost to the brim with water and proceeded to thoroughly soak an impressive array of Apple devices owned by her philandering lover, thoughtfully remembering to also include all the appropriate accessories.

She then took pictures of the items being soaked on a device that we assume is owned by her and was therefore saved from the purge, and sent them to the boyfriend, who apparently also has at least one smartphone that avoided a soaking, probably whatever mobile device he had in his pocket while out and about. The boyfriend, known only by his Twitter handle @foolishnessfly2, apparently then used his only dry device to tweet the pictures his girlfriend had sent him of her revenge.

Word spread quickly through the Twitterverse, where reactions were decidedly mixed. Avid Apple aficionados sympathized with the fanboy, but a bevy of women who apparently have also been scorned in one way or another by their own men applauded the girlfriend's brazen move.

One woman responded, "Haha makes you think twice about cheating on your significant other haha!" Another pointed out that it could have been worse, reminding readers of Lorena Bobbit, who famously sliced her husband's genitals off for a similar transgression.

Whether the soaked devices have any chance at resurrection is unknown, but given the thoroughness with which the woman submerged them, it's not looking good. At least the incident took place in Japan, where the uncooked rice that waterlogged devices are recommended to be soaked in should be readily available.

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