New 'Terminator: Genisys' Trailer Gives Away The Whole Movie

Fans of the Terminator franchise may want to look away — a new trailer released by Paramount spoils several key plot points of the new film.

Terminator Genisys, starring Emilia Clarke as Sarah Connor and Arnold Schwarzenegger as a much older Terminator T-800 unit (we wonder if they'll explain why the machine has aged), has already seen some critical panning based on its plot line — but this trailer gives it all away for the world to see.

Please note that the following contains spoilers.

In the trailer, we see that John Connor returns from the future to the present where Sarah Connor is hanging out with a T-800 as a sort of Terminator unit himself. That's right — this future John Connor isn't human, but a Skynet machine.

You'd think that would be a really cool twist to watch in the film, but it's quickly given away in the following trailer:

The film has already created confusion, as it takes place in a different timeline from previous installments in the Terminator movie franchise. In the original 1984 film, the T-800 unit goes back in time to find and kill Sarah Connor so John Connor won't be born, while Kyle Reese goes back in time to protect them — inadvertently becoming John Connor's father.

In Terminator: Genisys, the T-800 was modified to protect Sarah and John, who apparently already know what's going to happen in the future, and that they're targets, presumably because the T-800 told them so. John Connor's future father, Kyle Reese, goes back in time — but this time, he's not quite the same person from the original film.

Also, John Connor is now a machine, the bad guy and the thing that goes back to kill his own mother and possibly himself (which doesn't make a lot of sense).

"I'm not machine," says John in the trailer. "I'm not man. I'm more."

To quote Doctor Who (mostly because 11th Doctor Matt Smith is also to appear in the film), it's all a little wibbly wobbly timey wimey.

Anyway, that's almost the full plot we've gleaned from the trailer — which probably gives up way more information than it should.

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