Ruth Bader Ginsburg is probably the most beloved of all the United States Supreme Court Justices today. So it makes sense that a new petition deems the "Notorious RBG" worthy of an honor never given to a U.S. Supreme Court Justice before.
A petition for Ben & Jerry's to create a new ice cream flavor featuring Ginsburg recently appeared on In keeping with Ben & Jerry's punny naming conventions, this new flavor might be called "Ruth Bader Ginger," although I feel like there's an even better play on words hidden in there.
Yael Mazor-Garfinkle was inspired to create this petition after writers Amanda McCall and Tania Lombrozo, who originally suggested the "Ruth Bader Ginger" flavor, wrote about the lack of Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavors named in honor of women for BuzzFeed's Community section and NPR, respectively. Ben & Jerry's has created more than 20 ice cream flavors that pay homage to famous individuals over the past three decades, according to McCall's piece, only two of which have been women. These include Liz Lemon's Greek Frozen Yogurt, named after Tina Fey's character on 30 Rock, and Hannah Teeter's Maple Blondie, named after the Olympic snowboarder.
"I think it’s important to recognize women heroes everywhere we can," Mazor-Garfinkle wrote in her petition. "So when I read that only two of Ben & Jerry’s honorary flavors over the past three decades have featured women, I started this petition asking the ice cream company to honor Justice Ginsburg with her own flavor: Ruth Bader Ginger."
Ruth Bader Ginsburg to become #RuthBaderGinger on the next @benandjerrys pint?
— (@Change) April 7, 2015
The petition has nearly 3,800 supporters at the time of this writing, not too far off from its goal of 5,000.
Ginsburg has become something of a hipster icon in recent years. She inspired the "Notorious RBG" Tumblr, pre-gamed this year's State of the Union address and continues to be a feminist icon. A Ben & Jerry's ice cream flavor sure seems like the logical next step.
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