Daredevil's Red Costume Revealed Before The Debut Of Netflix Series

There is a lot of anticipation building for tomorrow's premiere of Netflix's Daredevil series, but the most important question Marvel fans want to know has more to do with the superhero's iconic red suit.

What will it look like?

Now, it seems that Netflix has accidentally released the answer to that: a few subscribers have spotted the suit, including an image appearing on Netflix's servers.

Is this is an accident on Netflix' part? Or is this fan art?

Either way, we think it looks impressive.

The image is a low resolution one, so it really could be just some clever fan art, but according to subscribers, the original image came directly from a Netflix server.

Also, after someone posted the image to Reddit, someone deleted the post almost immediately.

It certainly seems legitimate, right? But you can check it out for yourself:

What do you think? Is this the suit we'll eventually see Charlie Cox don after he becomes Daredevil in the series? Or is this some elaborate hoax dreamed up by a Marvel fan?

A Netflix subscriber presumably spotted the iconic suit on one of Netflix's pages.

Other subscribers, however, haven't seen it, so it could be something blocked because of region or just an error on Netflix's part that the company fixed quickly. Please note that until Marvel and/or Netflix confirm this costume, we have no way of knowing if this is truly the costume we'll see Charlie Cox in as Daredevil. Right now, this is pure speculation and has not yet been confirmed. Other users have claimed to see the image when searching through Netflix's DVD service (which means you'll probably need a subscription to that to see the image), so we're about 99 percent certain, though, that this is it.

Update: It's real!

Daredevil premieres on Netflix tomorrow, April 10.

[Photo Credit: Netflix]

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