Somehow, X-Men: Days of Future Past managed to tie two completely separate stories into a single timeline. The first three X-Men movies were originally their own series, but X-Men: First Class was confirmed as part of the official movie timeline.
The announcement on its own caused plenty of continuity problems, but X-Men: Days of Future Past managed to correct many of them.
Not only that, but it was a genuinely compelling story of time travel and altering the future - sure, it got confusing at some points, but it was still one of the best movies in the franchise.
That being said, it seems as if fans have yet to see the full film. Now there's a new extended cut of the movie coming out on Blu-ray and DVD soon, which features more of fan favorite mutant, Rogue.
When a British classification board stated that the 'Rogue Cut' of Days of Future Past contained over 11 minutes of cut footage, fans were shocked - then, director Bryan Singer took to Twitter to clarify that it was actually closer to 17 minutes.
For the record the Rogue Cut of #Xmen #DOFP is more than 17 minutes longer than the original cut. And has a few little changes I made. :)
— Bryan Singer (@BryanSinger) April 3, 2015
There are plenty of productions that shoot and edit scenes that never make it into the final movie. However, there's usually a reason for it - most deleted scenes were cut because they didn't fit into the story, or they weren't funny, or the film was too long. With X-Men: Days of Future Past, an entire character was cut.
Rogue (played by Anna Paquin), one of the most popular mutants from the original film trilogy, was supposed to appear in Days of Future Past. The scenes were filmed, the sequence edited together - and yet, the young mutant was absent from the final cut of the film. Fans were amazed when they learned that everything featuring her character had been cut, and overjoyed when they learned that the film's extended edition would reintroduce her scenes.
At just over two hours, it's not as if X-Men: Days of Future Past couldn't have fit some of Rogue's scenes into the theatrical release. That being said, if the film worked perfectly well without Rogue's scenes, why was she included in the film at all?
At the very least, fans can rest assured that the Rogue Cut of Days of Future Past won't be the same movie with a few extra clips thrown in - with that much cut footage, the extended edition of the film could end up being rather different from the version fans have already seen.
Unfortunately, there's no confirmed release date for the extended cut of X-Men: Days of Future Past, though it's likely to see release sometime later this year.
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