Senior Citizens React (Emotionally) To 'The Last Of Us'

Let's face it: older folks don't understand the appeal of video gaming. As gamers, we can't really explain what it is about modern gaming that compels us to keep playing.

However, in this new video, senior citizens take to their game console controls and play through Naughty Dog's dark and emotional adventure game The Last of Us. The reactions of these seniors are a great explanation as to why certain games always bring us back for more.

In this video, the seniors not only find themselves reacting to things happening in the game, but they are visibly moved by the game's emotional storyline.

Be sure to watch the video through the end, too, to get their final thoughts. Although most agreed that the game was dark (and we wouldn't disagree), they found themselves surprised at the emotional investment they found in the story and the characters.

"This is the first game I've really liked," says one older man.

"This is the first game I've ever played that had a story," says another man.

"This game was much more emotional," says one older woman. "It was much more gut-wrenching. I felt much more involved. I felt like it was more real."

"It's quite amazing," said another woman, visibly moved to tears by the game's finale. "It's like watching a movie and you want to get up there and be with the characters and say 'I want to do this, I want to do that.' And this lets you do that."

React, the YouTube user behind these videos, also recently exposed senior citizens to horror title Five Night's at Freddy's 2. The reactions, there, though, were entirely different: they weren't even scared while playing it.

There is also a video of seniors playing Grand Theft Auto V, which, strangely enough, eventually appealed to some of them. Who knew?

So, there we have it: gaming really is for everyone, especially when it comes to games with good stories and characters. Perhaps game developers should take note: this could be an entirely new way to market video games, especially as this generation of gamers grows older and continues on with their favorite hobby.

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