There is nothing like a debate to get people going on social media. And today's great debate involves one of our most cherished inventions: toilet paper.
You may have seen multiple toilet paper posts on Facebook or have seen #tolietpaper trending on Twitter. That's because writer Owen Williams tweeted a picture of an old patent that could be the evidence to finally solve this old debate.
So is it over or under?
The tweet features the 1891 patent by Albany, New York inventor Seth Wheeler that shows the the toilet paper roll should be in the over position.
The patent for toilet paper should settle the over vs under debate
— Owen Williams (@ow) March 17, 2015
Wheeler's "Wapping or toilet paper roll" patent not only clearly shows the right way to hang a roll of toilet paper is over not under, but it also includes the patent for the tear-off sheets.
The roll plus perforated lines is what makes toilet paper what we know it as today. This makes Wheeler, credited for selling the first roll of toilet paper as owner of the Albany Perforated Wrapping Paper Company, the father of toilet paper, which is a title that would make any mother proud.
(Photo : Seth Wheeler)
"My invention consists of a roll of paper for wrapping or toilet use so constructed that the points of attachment and severance between the sheets will be alternately out of parallel lines running through the whole body of the sheets," the patent reads, ".... thereby producing a transverse strain upon the next line of connecting points sufficient to break them."
And since his dreams of creating a quality bathroom product weren't flushed down the drain, the businessman and inventor went on to patent a multi-roll toilet paper holder, so that you never run out when you need it most, a toilet paper fixture, and ornamental toilet paper for when you are feeling fancy. We can't imagine where he got most of his thinking done...
However, under toilet paper hangers might have evidence for their side of the debate since the images for the multi-roll and the ornamental toilet paper shows the toilet paper in the under position.
Still, the patent for the roll provides clear evidence for the "over" camp, so we will have to give it to them this time. Now if we could only solve the chicken or the egg.
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Photo: Terry Johnston | Flickr