8 Signs That The First Day Of Spring Has Arrived

The snow is melting, the birds are chirping and the days are longer. Spring is finally upon us, and after a long, long winter, we couldn't be happier.

Friday, March 20 officially marks the first day of spring. However, although it's the month that kicks off springtime, that doesn't mean the cold will leave us overnight. We are only just escaping the grip of the bitter winter that seems to be refusing to let go.

While the change of seasons is a transitional process, there are some telltale signs to look out for that let us know that spring has sprung. Here are the eight ways you know that springtime has arrived.

The Weather Can't Make Up Its Mind

What's with the weather? One day is freezing cold, the next day, it's midly warm. The first sign that spring is in the air is when you start to see people lose their winter layers. There are always those weird days where some people are bundled up and others are walking around without a jacket — all while it's only 45 degrees out.

You might even see someone sporting shorts, but just make sure you don't take out your flip flops just yet. Calm down people, it's not 70 yet, but at least we can finally see our sidewalks after all that snow.

No More Colds, But Bring On The Allergies

It's that time of the year where we whip out the tissues because it's officially allergy season.

Just kidding, because you probably spent the entire winter battling a cold or flu. Just when you thought you were in the clear, your eyes become teary and your nose runny thanks to all the pollen floating around. Can't we just skip right to summer?

Stores Are Full Of Bathing Suits

Speaking of summer, you know the spring is finally here when stores are being stocked with summer clothing. Even though we still need a jacket outside, that doesn't stop retailers from displaying the new bikinis in display windows. Seriously, they need to chill.

Before we know it, fall fashion trends will be taking over, so enjoy the taste of summer while you can.

The Ice Cream Truck Song Plays On Repeat

Ahh, the sounds of springtime. Baby birds chirping in the morning and that ice cream truck theme song on repeat throughout the afternoon to night.

It's time to enjoy the many tastes of spring, which include ice cream cones from Mister Softee and froyo from one of the million locations that are everywhere.

Everyone Makes The Hot To Iced Coffee Switch

You also know it's spring when everyone switches from hot to iced coffee.

All types and forms of coffee are always welcome, but how great is it to no longer need a hot cup of Joe to warm your bones? A refreshing ice cold latte soothes the soul, so be prepared to see Frappuccinos everywhere.

Everyone Is Outdoors

After being cooped indoors for the last few months, we would rather spend as much time enjoying the nice weather as possible. You can also tell it's spring when your favorite restaurants open their outdoor eating section and people flock to these places. You will have plans to eat outdoors only to arrive and find the only available seating is inside. Coworkers will start to go out for lunch "to stretch their legs," and by the time you get home from work, there will still be sunlight. That is a gift in itself!

Springtime Sports Are On

Once baseball season starts, we know that spring is in full swing. Sports fans probably tell what season it is based on what sport is currently being played, and we have never been happier to take a break from the NFL. Besides, it's March Madness!

The Easter Bunny Arrives

We stopped caring about the groundhog when he said there would be more winter. However, we welcome the Easter bunny with open arms. Paint and hide your Easter eggs, indulge in some Peeps and dress in your favorite pastels. Once the Easter Bunny has arrived, you know it's springtime.

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Photo: Taís Melillo | Flickr

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