WWE 2K15's steady stream of DLC will continue next week with the release of the game's latest piece of content, the NXT ArRival Pack.
2K Games confirmed today that the NXT ArRival Pack will, uh, arrive on Tuesday, March 10 on all consoles. It will be available for $6.99 standalone and does not come included in the game's $24.99 season pass.
So what will this new DLC pack get you? Wrestlers. Plenty of new wrestlers. NXT Superstars Adam Rose and The Ascension (Konnor and Viktor) will be joining the game, as will NXT Diva Emma. Also being added as a playable character is WWE Champion and Monday Night Raw announcer JBL.
The ArRIVAL. NXT Tuesday, March 10th. #NXTArRIVAL
A photo posted by @wwegames2k on Mar 6, 2015 at 8:33am PST
This is just the latest piece of DLC for the game. Two major pieces of DLC dropped in February in the form of two additional single-player campaigns for the game's showcase mode. The first, titled "One More Match" has players reliving the rivalry between Randy Orton and Christian from 2011. It was followed by the "Hall of Pain" showcase, which, in addition to adding a number of new arenas and wrestlers, allows players to fight their way through some of Mark Henry's most memorable matches.
One major piece of DLC for WWE 2K15 remains. It will be yet another showcase expansion titled "Path of the Warrior" and will let players relive the career of WWE Hall of Famer Ultimate Warrior. 2K Games says "Path of the Warrior" will be available for download sometime early this year. For more on WWE 2K15's DLC offerings click here, and be sure to check out our full review of the game.
Update: This article previously stated the NXT ArRival pack came as part of WWE 2K15's season pass. That is not the case and has since been corrected. We regret the error.
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