Google Glass Explorer attacked by SF bar patrons for not respecting their privacy

We have heard of the NYPD trying out the Google Glass, a woman cited in California for using the device while driving, and a moviegoer dragged out of the theater because authorities thought he was illegally recording the movie. Now, the latest misfortunes of a Glass Explorer has been reported from the Bay Area and it happened in a bar.

Sarah Slocum, a graduate of University of California, Berkeley and founder of LoveSocialMeds, was attacked Friday at Molotov's bar along Haight Street in San Francisco.

"OMG so you'll never believe this but... I got verbally and physically asaulted [sic] and robbed last night in the city, had things thrown at me because of some wanker Google Glass haters, then some *bleeeeeeeeeep* tore them off my face and ran out with them then and when I ran out after him his *bleeeeeeep* friends stole my purse, cellphone walet [sic] and everything..," Slocum wrote on her Facebook account.

"I'm still in shock... All I could say and still say is I can't believe it," she added. Slocum was able to recover the wearable device but was not able to recover her wallet and smartphone. She called the police but no one responded so she later on filed a report with the authorities.

While some of the people of the bar were curious about the Glass, a small group of people were not amused that Slocum, accompanied by a male friend, was wearing the device inside the bar.

"They started rolling their eyes at me and they tried to shield themselves from the Glass because they thought it was recording them, which it wasn't. Out of the blue, one of the girls turned around and completely flipped me off. At that point, I was like, 'Holy crap, I'm the target of their anger and hatred,'" Slocum said.

Slocum had to turn on the device and started recording when she felt that she was being threatened until one guy snatched the Glass from her face.

"...this was the first video i recorded there, after i was flicked off by this girl," she tweeted.

Her Facebook Timeline has been flooded with messages expressing support and sympathy. Slocum has also been interviewed by several local news entities so she can air her side. She is appealing to the management of Molotov's, which she thinks failed to protect her. She asked for the assistance of the bouncer to get the ID of the man but was ignored. The writer and marketing professional is also asking the bar to release the video from its security system that may help identify the people who attacked her.

"I hope this doesn't deter anyone from getting Google Glass. Usually the experience is 180 degrees different, and right before this happened I was showing one of the normal, excited and curious individuals there how it works, letting them try it on and demonstrating it for them. This is the experience 95% of the time. These other people were just bitter, ugly, nasty, angry, jealous, confused and threatened people and this was apparently their hive," Slocum recalled.

Google recently released a list of dos and don'ts for Google Glass users but Explorers are helpless when they get mugged and people around do not care to help.

Below is the video recorded by Slocum:

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