Watch This Dude Perform WWE Finishing Moves On This Poor Girl

WWE finishing moves are cool, there's no question about that. The problem is, they're also extremely dangerous to pull off: there's a reason that WWE has so many 'Don't Try This At Home' ads running throughout its shows.

The moves should be left to the professionals, who know exactly what they're doing.

Or, you can just get a pool, a diving board and a very, very cooperative friend!

Truth be told, there's still plenty of danger here, so it's probably best that you don't try this at home. Water isn't as soft as some people may think, and while nobody ended up hurt here, it could have easily been a different story.

Now that the boring safety stuff is out of the way: that was awesome.

Most of the WWE's top stars are represented here, with moves like the RKO, the Choke Slam and a Batista Bomb executed flawlessly. The Tombstone Piledriver looks particularly painful...though, perhaps that should have been expected, given the nature of the move itself.

Plus, the editing is absolutely amazing - watching the moves in slow motion, only for the music to hit at just the right moment, is pure bliss.

However, there is one thing missing: while it would have been impossible to pull of a Stone Cold Stunner on the diving board, how did they forget about the Rock Bottom? It should have been (relatively) easy to pull off, and it would have looked amazing!

Even without the People's Champion being represented, the video is still way too much fun to watch. Considering how well it's done in just a few days (over 2.5 millions views already), it's not crazy to think a follow-up might be on the way...

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