'Batman V. Superman' First Trailer: 5 Things We Want To See

If there's one thing even bigger than summer blockbusters, it's the trailers for future blockbusters. Even Star Wars Episode VII - which comes out later this year - is generating an enormous amount of buzz for just its trailer alone. The biggest of them all, however, is easily Batman v. Superman. The film has one of the most publicly documented productions in history, and fans have been waiting on a trailer for what seems like years.

While there's still no confirmed release date for the trailer, it can't be that far off (rumors are circulating about it being attached to Mad Max this May). Despite the secrecy, there's plenty of reasons to be excited, but there's a lot that could go wrong, too. With Batman v. Superman riding on an unprecedented level of hype, here's what we want to see from the film's first trailer.

A Decent Shot of Both Superheroes

With teaser trailers, there are good reveals and bad reveals. A good reveal gives you just enough to feel satisfied, but still craving more. A bad reveal gets too cute with the "tease" aspect and just leaves people in a fit of rage.

This is a trailer that fans have waited months and months for, so Warner Bros. should reward its fans with a decent shot of both heroes in costume. The trailer doesn't have to be action-heavy - we just want to be able to tell what's going on.

The Aftermath of Man of Steel

Man of Steel took a lot of risks, and while many fans were up in arms over the destruction during the film's finale, it took an arguably more realistic look at what would happen if two superhumans duked it out in the middle of a highly-populated city (though it did get a little extreme towards the end).

In Batman v. Superman, the battle against Zod during the finale of Man of Steel is going to be a major plot point - if we're going to get a trailer anytime soon, the destruction of Metropolis should be felt, if not serve as a larger framing device for the story.

Affleck's Bat-Voice

Let's be honest: at times, it's hard to take Christian Bale's Batman seriously. Batman Begins is arguably the worst when it comes to the Bat-Voice, with Bale essentially growling his way through the script. It's highly unlikely that Affleck will sound anything like Bale's Batman, but fans are still curious...what exactly will Affleck sound like?

Considering it's a summer movie trailer, there's likely going to be some kind of ominous voice-over from one of the major characters. If that character happens to be Batman, fans would finally get an idea of what this new Caped Crusader will sound like (and, quite possibly, how hard to laugh).

Can the Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice trailer possibly live up to fan expectations? Probably not - there are millions of fans out there, and after months of waiting, it's basically inevitable that someone's going to complain about it 'not living up to the original spirit of the comics' or something similar.

Even with the absolutely ridiculous levels of hype, Warner Bros. could still make a great trailer - let's just hope they debut the movie the right way, and not with a 90-second shot of two heroes standing on a dark rooftop with nothing but a title card to excite us. Nobody wants to see that.

Batman v. Superman: Dawn of Justice is scheduled for release on March 25, 2016.

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