'The Walking Dead': Should Michonne Replace Violent Rick As Leader Of The Group?

Sunday night's episode of The Walking Dead is one of the best episodes of the current season. It shows how desperate a situation the group is in, especially with a baby on board, and also that it might need a new leader.

From the beginning, we've enjoyed Rick as a leader because for the most part he has made the correct decisions. However, in the episode, "The Distance," Rick has shown that he's becoming a person who is too paranoid and thus could lead the group into more trouble rather than keep it safe.

We understand that he means well, but he should be able to think rationally and not like a madman out for blood. In the world of The Walking Dead, humans are more dangerous than zombies are, but it doesn't mean every person the group comes across should be treated like the undead creatures roaming the empty streets day and night.

For this very reason, I believe it is time for Rick Grimes to step down from the leadership pole position, and give it to someone else. The group has found itself a great place at Alexandria, and in such a situation, one does not want a leader who constantly thinks about danger and wanting to put a bullet or blade into the hearts of the next unknown human being he sees.

Who could replace Rick?

Michonne is our first choice here. I would have gone for Glenn instead, but his head is destined to be bashed in, so I had to omit him. So yes, Michonne could be a good leader since her mind is not entirely on the side of not trusting another human being. For sure, trusting can get everyone killed, but it can also save lives

This is something Rick appears to have lost, and it is understandable. The Sanctuary and Woodbury were filled with dangerous men, but these experiences should not mean all humans are cannibals and murderers.

Moreover, for those who are wondering, yes, Alexandria is safe. It is probably the best community in The Walking Dead's universe right now. Still, it doesn't mean the journey ends here. Washington, D.C., is just around the corner, and they will make a move for it, and guess what? Danger lurks.

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