Heading out for a job interview? Here's a tip - do not cuss anyone on your way to the interview.
Why? Because the victim of your unparliamentary language could well be your future employer as a Londoner discovered much to his woe.
"I was on my way into work on the Tube on Monday morning during rush hour. I stood to one side to let a lady get by, and ended up blocking a man momentarily. He shoved past me, almost knocking me over, and shouted," recounted Matt Buckland, the interviewer, to BBC.
Little did the man on the subway who accosted Bucklandf know that the person he shoved and asked him to "Go f*** yourself" would turn out to be the job seeker's interviewer.
The commuter went about his day and the job interview he had slated for the same afternoon.
Call it serendipity, much to the man's surprise, on walking in for his interview he could not believe that the interviewer was none other than the individual he had shoved and cursed on the subway train.
Buckland who found the situation "totally awkward" heads the talent and recruiting for the venture capital firm Forward Partners.
Even as the developer would have likely cursed his luck - Karma striking back - Buckland instead of returning the morning greeting favor, asked the interviewee if he had a good commute in the morning.
Buckland, you see, was the interviewer. He heads talent and recruiting for Forward Partners, which is a venture capital firm. While Buckland may have been tempted to reciprocate the commuter's greeting at the subway he chose to laugh off the incident instead by asking the developer how his morning was.
"We laughed it off and in a very British way I somehow ended up apologizing," per Buckland.
The incident has come to light thanks to social media. Buckland tweeted the incident, which has been re-tweeted over 20,000 times since posting.
Karma - the guy who pushed past me on the tube and then suggested I go F myself just arrived for his interview...with me...
— Matt Buckland (@ElSatanico) Feb. 16, 2015
In case you're wondering if the developer got the job - no he did not. Buckland says it's because he did not fill the bill. Whether the ill temperament may have ruined his chances is anybody's guess!
Moral of the story: be nice to all you meet - even in a subway!