You Can Now Bake Your Own Girl Scout Cookies At Home With This Toy Oven

Girl Scout cookies are wonderful. There's no doubt about that. However, they can sometimes be sort of elusive.

Waiting for Girl Scouts to come to your door or finding out where they're selling in your community can take a lot of work. Even though the organization launched its Digital Cookie program at the end of last year so Scouts can sell their Tagalongs online, you still have to know a Girl Scout to get the process started. If only there was an easier way to get the chocolate-and-peanut-buttery goodness into your belly.

Well, now there is. Wicked Cool Toys just introduced the first-ever Girl Scouts Cookie Oven, which allows you to bake many of your favorite Girl Scout cookies right in the comfort of your own home. It's sort of like an Easy-Bake Oven but exclusively for these Girl Scout-approved confections.

The real-working oven comes with tools (spatula, baking pan, measuring tool) and mixes of cookie flavors such as Thin Mints, PB Sandwich and Trefoils. There's also a little viewing window in this tiny green oven so you can watch all of your hard work come to life. The oven will set you back $59.99, and each basic and deluxe refill pack costs $6.99 and $14.99, respectively.

The price of a box of Girl Scout cookies varies depending on the Girl Scout Council, but in 2013, The New York Times reported that a box typically sold for $3.50 to $5. It's unclear how many Girl Scout cookies come in one of the packs that you bake in this oven, but considering how miniature the oven is, it can't be that much. These fresh-baked cookies will definitely be warm and tasty, and it looks like fun, but is it cost effective? Probably not.

Then of course, there's the fact that selling Girl Scout cookies helps young women learn business and leadership skills, in addition to earning money for the local Girl Scouts Council. It's true that the sale of this Girl Scouts cookie oven will benefit the Girl Scouts overall, but there are pros and cons to this bit of fun.

And if you're actually a Girl Scout instead of just pretending to be like those who are going to buy this oven, Wicked Cool Toys also announced some products that might help out your sales next year. This includes a wagon to help you cart your cookie boxes door to door and a portable stand that lets you sell your cookies anywhere. The wagon and stand will retail for $129.99 and $79.99, respectively, when they go on sale with the oven in Fall 2015.

[H/T The Mary Sue]

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