Fight Breaks Out In Wal-Mart After Woman Is Headbutted

Look, people are going to fight - there's no real way around it. While most people living in civilized society can take their frustrations with the world out on something in a healthy way, there are always going to be those select few who need to get physical. If two of these people happen meet out in the world, it could spell trouble.

There's no better example of this than a short cell phone video taken at a Wal-Mart in Deer Park, Texas. In it, two women are obviously having a disagreement, and, as these sort of situations tend to do, things escalate pretty quickly.

Granted, while most people expected a fight, few expected it to start with a headbutt to the face:

Without being at the store and knowing of the context behind the initial argument, it's near-impossible to tell who was in the right. That being said, it's hard to root for someone who throws a headbutt into another person's face with no warning.

Alice Keener, the Wal-Mart tax worker on the receiving end of the headbutt, astonished everyone by not going down immediately. If anything, Keener is only enraged by the blow, and manages to take the other woman (Jessica Albitz) down before the two are separated by other store patrons.

Keener is now pressing assault charges against Albitz, and injured her two front teeth in the brawl. A warrant will be issued for Albitz's arrest within the coming days, police said.

It's normal to see this type of behavior on the playground in grammar school; however, it's rare for it to go down in a crowded shopping center.

And as always, there is someone just waiting around with a cell phone camera to capture it all.

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