The Reverse Flynn Effect — Why Has the Average IQ Been Decreasing Lately?

For decades, scientists have observed a steady increase in the average IQ—a phenomenon called the "Flynn effect." However, in recent years, the situation has changed: studies show that IQ in developed countries has begun to decline. This paradoxical process is called the "reverse Flynn effect." What causes this phenomenon, and what does it mean for the future of humanity? If you are interested in this topic and want to learn more about your intelligence level, check out MyIQ reviews and pass the test—this will help you better understand your cognitive abilities and find out if you're in a group with the reverse Flynn effect.

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What is the Flynn effect, and why has it started to work in reverse?

The Flynn effect is named after New Zealand scientist James Flynn, who, in the 1980s, discovered that the average IQ in industrialized countries was steadily increasing by 3–5 points per decade. This was attributed to improved living conditions, access to education, advances in medicine and nutrition, and the increasing complexity of cognitive tasks in everyday life.

However, since the 1990s, the trend has begun to change. Studies in Norway, Denmark, the UK, France, and Australia show that average IQ is now declining—in some countries by 2–4 points per generation. This decline has raised concerns among scientists and has led to research into the causes of this phenomenon.

Causes of IQ Decline

Changes in the Education System

The modern education system increasingly emphasizes the memorization of information rather than the development of critical thinking and analytical skills. Schools and universities teach how to pass exams rather than how to think more deeply and broadly. This leads to a decline in complex problem-solving skills, which ultimately affects intelligence. In addition, cuts in science and mathematics programs deprive young people of important analytical tools. 2.

Technological Addiction and Clip Thinking

The impact of gadgets and social networks on the human brain has become one of the key topics of scientific debate. Research shows that constant consumption of short, superficial information flows (such as TikTok, Twitter, and short videos) reduces the ability for long-term concentration and deep analysis. People have become less likely to read complex books and train their memory. In addition, many children and adolescents spend time playing computer games, which, although they can develop certain cognitive skills, do not contribute to critical thinking and the formation of abstract concepts.

Environmental Factors

Scientists are increasingly linking a decrease in IQ with environmental degradation. Air pollution, consumption of processed foods low in nutrients, and exposure to chemicals such as pesticides and plastics can negatively affect brain development, especially in children. Research shows that high levels of lead in the body, for example, correlate with a decrease in cognitive abilities. The impact of microplastics and polluted water on the brain and nervous system is also discussed.

Changing Cultural Values

Society has begun to attach less importance to intellectual development. If intellectual abilities used to be an important social capital, now entertainment and consumer values ​​have become popular. As a result, people are less interested in scientific discoveries, history, philosophy, and mathematics, which affects their level of cognitive abilities. Social networks and popular culture often emphasize instant gratification rather than long-term development.

Genetic Regression

There is a hypothesis that in developed countries, people with a higher IQ are less likely to have children or postpone having offspring, while the birth rate is higher in the population with lower education and intelligence. This leads to a gradual decrease in the average IQ level. However, scientists argue about the real impact of this factor since intelligence is formed not only by genetics but also by the environment.

Consequences and What to Do About It?

A decrease in IQ can have serious consequences for society. The economy of the future will increasingly depend on high technology and analytical skills, and a decrease in intelligence can affect innovation, government, and the quality of life in general. Consequences may include an increase in ineffective decisions at the policy level a decrease in scientific achievements, and technological progress.

What can be done to stop this process?

  • Changing the educational system. It is necessary to reform school programs, focusing on logic, mathematics, critical thinking, and the scientific method.
  • Conscious consumption of content. Reading books, solving logical problems, learning languages, and participating in intellectual discussions will help maintain and develop abilities.
  • A healthy lifestyle. Good nutrition, physical activity, and clean air contribute to the proper development of the brain.
  • Control over technological consumption. It is important to limit the time spent on social networks and in front of screens, especially for children, replacing it with useful intellectual activities.
  • Support for Science and Culture. Government programs and private initiatives should encourage education, research, and the popularization of knowledge.


The reverse Flynn effect is an alarming signal that cannot be ignored. The issue is not only about the decline in IQ as such but what this could mean for the future of society. If we do not take steps to maintain the intellectual level, we will face serious challenges in science, economics, and politics. However, awareness of the problem is the first step to solving it. Focusing on education, intellectual development, and science will help us counter this trend and ensure a future in which reason and logic will continue to play a key role.

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