The Met Gala's red carpet gleams under a constellation of camera flashes. A-list celebrities parade past, each adorned in carefully selected designer pieces that will dominate tomorrow's headlines. Among the familiar faces of Hollywood's elite, an emerging luxury brand makes its debut, its signature pieces adorning three of the event's most photographed attendees. By morning, their Instagram followers will quadruple, and their website will crash from unprecedented traffic.
The brand that no one had heard of yesterday had spent months preparing for this precise moment. Through strategic relationship building, carefully timed influencer partnerships, and meticulously planned media coverage, the brand received what appeared to be a spontaneous surge of interest. Within 24 hours, the brand would secure multiple luxury retail partnerships, grace the pages of top fashion publications, and achieve the holy grail of PR: omnipresence.
This is the kind of transformation Robyn Bordes curates for her clients every day at Illumination PR. While that particular scene represents the pinnacle of fashion PR success, the strategic principles behind such meteoric rises remain consistent, whether launching luxury brands, scaling tech startups, or positioning industry experts. Through years of negotiating high-stakes media placements and brand partnerships, Bordes has learned that successful PR isn't just about relationships—it's about mastering the art of strategic negotiation.
"That's the power of strategic visibility," Bordes explains. "We applied the same principles that build celebrity brands to transform an unknown business into an industry player. It's not about one big moment—it's about creating a perfectly timed cascade of visibility that makes your brand seem suddenly ubiquitous."
Sixteen years earlier, Bordes was fighting for her own visibility in New York City, pulling a duffle bag of knock-off handbags through Chinatown's crowded streets while waitressing nights to keep the lights on. When a network connection put her in touch with a local reality star to manage her book tour, Bordes saw an opportunity that would change everything. Despite her nerves, she said yes, crafting a strategic plan that would ensure omnipresence for her client. What she didn't know at the time was just how much this partnership and this strategy would change the course of her own business.
What started as simple book signings evolved into a masterclass in strategic visibility. Each appearance built momentum, leading to coveted cover stories in In Touch Magazine and Us Weekly. As her client's visibility grew, so did Bordes' reputation in the industry. Other celebrities and their teams began to notice the strategic precision behind these "overnight" successes. What looked like luck to outsiders was actually a carefully orchestrated cascade of visibility—a strategy Bordes would later perfect and adapt for businesses across industries.
"That first breakthrough showed me something crucial," Bordes reflects from Illumination PR's headquarters. "When you understand the mechanics behind celebrity visibility—the timing, the relationships, the strategic positioning—you can apply those same principles to transform any business. It's not about being famous; it's about being strategically visible to the right people at the right time."
The transformation goes deeper than media placement. When working with A-list celebrities, every interaction is carefully choreographed to build long-term value. Bordes applied this same principle to business clients, focusing on relationship-building rather than one-off publicity stunts. "We had a client who was struggling to get industry recognition. By adapting our celebrity relationship-building approach—creating value-driven pitches and authentic storytelling angles—we helped them become the go-to authority in their field within six months."
However, perhaps the most powerful lesson from celebrity PR is narrative control. "Celebrities don't just appear in media—they shape conversations," Bordes notes. She describes how one company transformed from an unknown to an industry leader by taking control of their narrative. Instead of responding to market trends, they proactively shaped industry discussions, positioning themselves as thought leaders.
The results speak for themselves. Businesses using these adapted celebrity PR strategies often see dramatic increases in market authority, lead quality, and partnership opportunities. "It's not about copying celebrity tactics exactly," Bordes emphasizes. "It's about understanding the principles behind their success and adapting them to your business context."
As our conversation winds down, Bordes shares a final insight: "The biggest mistake businesses make is viewing PR as a cost rather than an investment in growth. When you understand how to leverage visibility strategically, it becomes one of your most powerful revenue drivers."
Looking to transform your business visibility using proven celebrity PR strategies? Connect with Illumination PR to learn more about applying these powerful techniques to your growth journey.
Robyn Bordes
Social Media: @illuminationpr