The social news aggregator platform, Reddit, is leveraging its rich content from humans in its latest AI-powered experience called "Reddit Answers," offering a chatbot-like artificial intelligence search engine. This new feature found within the platform is not exactly a chatbot but it behaves like one where users need to ask it a question, a.k.a. a prompt before it gathers top responses under one platform.
With this latest AI-powered chatbot found within Reddit's platform, users are now given a chance to find the best answers possible thanks to its deep training with its data, and it will no longer need users to use traditional search engines to find them.
'Reddit Answers' Delivers AI-Powered Search Engine For Users
If you are one of those who rely on Reddit to find specific topics or threads that will help in finding key information for research or personal life, then this new 'Reddit Answers' AI-powered experience is for you. The public social media platform and news aggregator introduced the latest feature available on Reddit now, centering on its take on AI-powered search.
Reddit Answers will function like a search engine as it can help users find specific forums or community conversations regarding a specific topic, and it only requires users to ask it via a prompt-like approach.
The results will give users a conversational approach to its answer, and it summarize the content it found on theplatform that best relates to the question. Reddit Answers will also share links that will direct users to the post sourcewhere users may view comments and upvotes to better give them a perception about what they are trying to find.
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Reddit's New Chatbot-Like Search Engine is Still in Early Access
According to Reddit, this new feature is still available exclusively to the United States region, and it can only cater to English-speaking users in its current availability. Additionally, it is only available for select users who are part of its 'early access' program. That being said, the company promised that it would rollout to more users in the future, as well as add more supported languages.
Reddit's Focus on AI and Latest Developments
Starting last year, Reddit has been on fire by its users (Redditors) and communities, including moderators, for theirsignificant shift towards a new business model where the company asks for payment to access its API. This was because the company is looking towards an IPO where it will transition from being a private company to a publicly-traded one, and garner more revenue along the way.
One of the biggest moves by Reddit is embracing generative artificial intelligence two years after it was introduced, with its early focus centering on licensing its content to willing companies who can pay massive sums for training. Not only that, Reddit also partnered with OpenAI which would incorporate ChatGPT into its platform and deliver a new AI-infused experience for its massive user base.
Later on, the company introduced new AI features available to access the news aggregator platform which saw their increased efforts to improve the platform with the newfound technology. Now, Reddit will be crawling its treasure trove of content made by its users and leveraging it for Reddit Answers, with the chatbot offering an AI search engine that will direct everyone to useful information without leaving the platform.