This Is How Twitter Reacts When Netflix Stops Working For An Hour

Say it isn't so.

If you were hoping to continue your binge of Hoarders on Netflix yesterday, you may have found yourself out of luck. The streaming service was down for many users.

An outage started on Feb. 3 at around 3:40 p.m. PST and affected many devices streaming Netflix in North America and South America "with a lesser effect on devices in Europe," according to a statement from Netflix to Entertainment Weekly. Most Netflix members had their service restored in less than an hour. "Our engineers are still investigating the cause," the statement also said.

But we all know that when something as potentially life-changing as this happens, you don't call your loved ones or get your affairs in order. You take to Twitter to vent your frustrations and basically do the Twitter equivalent of running around and screaming until the pain goes away. Yes of course Twitter freaked out over Netflix's temporary blackout.

You know, when something gives you that much joy and then you can't experience it, it's definitely disappointing. Also, let's not forget about that study linking binge-watching to depression you might have seen around the Internet last week.

But alas, Netflix is back up and running right now, so all of that worrying was for nothing. Just don't do that to us ever again Netflix, OK?

Image: Ross Catrow / Flickr

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