Apple's AI Delays: Craig Federighi Explains Why Siri Still Isn't That Smart

Craig will explain why the roll-out of Apple Intelligence is so slow.

We are at a time when the iPhone 16 lineup witnessed heavy questioning of Apple's AI advancements. Many users heaved a sigh of relief regarding the delayed headline AI features within Apple and blamed delays in the rollout of Apple Intelligence.

For this purpose, Apple's software lead Craig Federighi spoke to the Wall Street Journal with regard to why the rollouts were slower than anticipated and what the future stores for a wiser Siri.

What's With the Apple Intelligence Delays

Apple's exec Craig Federighi explains that the Cupertino giant has a different approach to AI and it's not about creating ChatGPT 2.0 or any chatbots. Samuel Angor/Unsplash

Apple, for instance, as per Craig Federighi, is not about some sort of imitation of such models of chatbots that are today more or less like ChatGPT. Apple instead brings forth AI deeply integrated and personalized to every one of its users within their ecosystem.

According to him, they approached it not as building another chatbot bolted onto our existing experience but as creating something deeply integrated and personal, he said. He also said that the important difference between Apple's AI and its peers is that Apple Intelligence is designed to understand the individual user.

"With that comes a great deal of responsibility because to do that that intelligence has to track information that you've stored on your device and that means privacy is a tremendously important consideration."

Apple's focus on privacy will be crucial here. In remarks, Federighi said the reverse is true, noting chatbots work typically with servers that are nothing but chatbots and retain no information about users. Apple's in-device processing, amplified by Private Cloud Compute, means its users' data stays where it belongs-secure.

This effort takes much time and resources to be all good, especially considering the scope of privacy Apple wants to keep.

A Slow But Steady Rollout

Federighi admitted that the rollout of Apple's AI features is a long process. As 9to5MAc also noted, he further explained that the philosophy of Apple is to release things when the development team feels utterly satisfied, rather than rushing through them.

The Cupertino exec pointed out that the Apple team is thinking in terms of a process that will unfold over not just years but decades. He added that the tech giant's mission is to "get each piece right and release it responsibly."

While a few users want Siri to become a fully-fledged, all-in-one AI assistant overnight, the Apple approach is much more sustainable and gradual based on time. Through this, every feature of AI meets Apple's super-high standards for functionality and privacy.

Future of Siri: When Will It Truly Evolve?

One of the most eagerly expected AI developments is Siri becoming smarter. Asked about the future of Siri, Federighi promised no single instant when Siri would suddenly fulfill all expectations. Instead, he described the development of Siri as an ongoing journey.

For Federighi, Apple's journey with Siri will never end, acknowledging that the AI assistant is getting "more useful" every day.

Federighi noted that progress in Apple Intelligence and large language models are already making Siri much smarter than even the user and giving people access to more tools inside their devices. But there will not be that magic moment when Siri turns on consciousness itself. Instead, Siri will become smarter gradually, in waves, slowly approaching the threshold of usability maturity.

Envisioning a Smarter Siri

Apple Intelligence is already being integrated into Siri. Federighi said the smarter Siri was coming in stages, and improvements will continue this year. The updates will enable Siri to recognize personal context more perfectly and take actions much more complex to enhance the user's experience better.

Apple is pretty systematic in the production of AI as a strategy because it places massive emphasis on three main pillars: privacy, personalization, and long-term planning.

Apple Intelligence features may come slowly, but that assures more security and personalization in the experience it gives to its users.

Siri which came in pretty limited will continue growing; with massive improvements, users can expect an even smarter, more capable Siri that only grows in usefulness over time.

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