Telegram Offers Phone Number Verification Service to Businesses and Leave Behind SMS

Your next verification code may be coming to Telegram.

Telegram is looking to expand more of its platform's use as an instant messaging app and grow its revenue by introducing a phone number verification service which it is now offering to businesses. The instant messaging company is now asking businesses to make use of Telegram as a verification system to proceed with logins, check users' identities, and more through a more secure experience.

Businesses and platforms are being encouraged to use Telegram's verification service and leave behind SMS phone number verification methods, claiming that it is more expensive and convenient.

Telegram Offers Phone Number Verification Service to Businesses

A new blog post from Telegram details the latest service it has available for users and businesses to enjoy, and it is called the 'Verification Platform' which will help verify phone numbers via the app. Basically, Telegram is leveraging its instant messaging service to bring verification codes for users who are attempting to log in and have two-factor authentication turned on.

It was revealed by the company that Telegram is now leveraging this service for apps, businesses, and websites that want an improved experience in verifying login information for their platforms.

According to Telegram, the verification service will charge partner businesses or platforms only $0.01 per code requested, a significantly cheaper price to pay compared to the SMS verification method, and will be payable via Fragment.

You May Soon Receive Verification Codes via Telegram

The instant messaging platform has yet to reveal which businesses have partnered with the company to use its services as a phone number verification method. Telegram promises that it will be a "faster, cheaper, more secure and convenient" experience compared to SMS.

Telegram revealed that users will receive their authentication via a special chat labeled 'Verification Codes,' but this would require being a registered user and having the Telegram app.

The verification service for the platform is no longer new, as the company previously used this to authenticate Telegram logins to new devices by sending the codes to a device that was previously verified.

Verification, 2FA Methods and Services Available

Verification services for users trying to log in to their accounts is one of the accepted ways of adding another security layer to accessing platforms, and it slowly became one of the trusted methods, otherwise known as two-factor authentication. SMS verification was one of the earliest methods made available when the tech industry picked up on 2FA, but it is now losing its popularity because of new services available.

Users may opt for third-party verification platforms which offer its service to bring codes to users whenever needed, and that is what Google delivered to the world when it introduced the Authenticator app. However, Google recently faced controversy with the Authenticator app as it was revealed that it is not end-to-end encrypted, and this could subject users to security issues and other problems.

The rise of third-party verification services is an important growth in the tech security landscape as it offers users the chance to further protect their accounts by opting for 2FA and getting codes whenever they log in. Soon, users may receive their verification codes via Telegram as it now launched its authentication service for businesses, but this will require having a Telegram app and being registered to it to get the keys.

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