5 Homeschooling Tips: How Your Tablet Can Help Your Kid Succeed in School

Tech permeates even modern parenthood. You, as a modern parent, don't need to ban devices from a child's life, as it is a natural part of their existence. Instead, we recommend implementing proven solutions to boost your kid's academic performance!

Read on to learn how online education can benefit your family and how to make this practice most comfortable for both you and your child.

Advantages of Online Education

Just ten years ago, most students were tied to their schools. They had to visit school and college daily, despite the weather and the student's mental state. But now everything has changed. Modern students can choose a preferred study approach and modify it to fit their needs perfectly. Here are the main advantages of online education:

  • Studying at your own pace: There is no urge to fit as much info in one study session as in traditional schools. Students can take their time and progress through the course at their own speed.
  • Convenience: All you need is a laptop and a stable internet connection. For as long as they meet pre-determined deadlines, they can study anywhere and anytime.
  • Flexible scheduling: It's OK to skip one day if a student is willing to take a double load tomorrow. It allows your kid to easily balance education and other commitments, such as sports, theater, or choir.
  • Study from anywhere: Just 15 years ago, road schooling was the privilege of wealthy families, and now this practice is accessible to everyone.
  • Fits different learning styles: Online tutors will help you to create a personalized curriculum that accommodates your child.
  • Reduced expenses: You have no commuting costs, textbook expenses, or campus housing fees.

And it's just some of the positive effects of online learning. This study approach boosts time management and organizational skills, as your kid can build their syllabus and timetable. It will also enhance their tech literacy as they solve minor tech problems, like glitchy Zoom calls on their own.

Tips for a Successful Distance Learning

While online education provides many benefits, it still has challenges like limited social interaction and a steep learning curve. However, it is still possible to mitigate these problems if you implement the following tips for a successful online education:

  • Create a routine
  • Set up a dedicated space
  • Use tutors' help
  • Choose the proper device
  • Let your child take breaks

Create a routine

Even the most artistic professions have a routine. Gently explain to your child that even artists, game designers, writers, and actors still have work routines and deadlines to follow. So, if your child wants to be successful when they grow up, they need to develop time management skills from a young age. And your task as a parent is to help them in it by creating a dedicated homeschool routine.

Sit with your kid and discuss their potential timetable for the month. Establish regular time for meals, classes, and other activities for each day of the week. Discuss plan B and even plan C in case something goes wrong. Remember that kids still need free time for their out-of-class activities, so plan at least 3–4 hours of free time every day.

Ensure that your kid has enough sleep, as it lowers stress, regulates hormones, and normalizes metabolism. Leave time for light exercises such as Pilates, physical therapy, or swimming sessions.

Set up a dedicated space

Our world is full of distractions: from a ray of Sun that unexpectedly decides to shine on the room, distracting from the "such interesting studies" to the TikTok notifications that treacherously beep every minute. A designated space with minimum distractions will help your kids to focus solely on their studies.

The best-case scenario is to dedicate a whole room to a study space. In this case, once your kid sets foot in this room, they will know it's time to study. If this isn't possible, assign a specific area in the home where a child can set up their laptop and school supplies.

It can be a part of any room, from your home office or guest bedroom to a living room. Just ensure that it's a quiet space where your kid won't see their bed. Keep in mind that you need to separate study and resting places. If you are a parent who works remotely, you can also use this tip to become more productive.

Use tutors' help

School requirements are constantly changing, and it's OK if you can't keep up with them as a parent. Don't forget that you are not a professional tutor in every school subject. It's natural that you may lose some knowledge in complex subjects like math or chemistry.

That's why it's so crucial to use expert help during homeschooling. A fine tutor helps you to create a personalized curriculum for your kid. They will ensure that your syllabus suits all modern standards and that your child has no knowledge gaps.

If you are looking for a technically advanced math tutor, Brighterly experts can meet your needs. They use real-world examples, video games, and quizzes to make math fun to explore. They teach kids logical reasoning so students understand how to solve even the most complex math problems. Step-by-step guidance builds positive inner reinforcement, making your child a happy and academically successful student.

Choose the proper device

Not all devices are equally effective! Some laptops may not have a webcam, which may cause some problems during Zoom sessions. It's also hard to take handwriting notes or play a virtual piano in music lessons, even on laptops with a touchscreen. If your study approach requires a lot of handwriting, drawing, and creating music sheets, consider buying a tablet as an additional study device.

So, even before you start homeschooling, think about what devices you may need for it. Purchase them during Black Friday or seasonal sales. Just make sure your child has a technical base for their education.

Let your child take breaks

We are humans, not robots. So, even the most productive students need to have regular breaks. Ensure that your kid has time to have lunch, play games, and hang out with friends. No one is productive 24/7. Neither is your kid.

If you want them to be as productive as possible during their study hours, let them rest. Have a cookie break between lessons and let your child have free afternoons to charge their inner batteries.

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