VP Kamala Harris Vows a Crypto Future That Is Safe, Transparent Under Her Administration

VP Harris addressed crypto in a first.

Vice President Kamala Harris' recent remarks to Wall Street donors in a New York City fundraiser over the weekend answered a massive question, centering on her stance on cryptocurrency.

The Democratic candidate revealed that she would support crypto under her administration, should she win as President, with this possibly leaving a mark in history as the first US female president.

Vice President Kamala Harris Vows a Crypto Future

Bloomberg shared a recent significant event on VP Kamala Harris' campaign, marking her first address to the public regarding her stance on the crypto industry. This question has long been asked by the American public about the Democratic Party's presidential bet, and it is known that she has long kept silent regarding this matter.

According to the report, VP Harris addressed Wall Street donors over the weekend, claiming she will "encourage" digital assets and artificial intelligence, among other things, "innovative technologies."

This also came after Trump's significant claims in the previous months, which banked more on his belief and support for the crypto industry, promising a future that would have the digital assets thrive, strategically placing America in the middle.

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Kamala For Crypto: Safe and Transparent

It is also worth noting that VP Harris has made it paramount that this crypto support under her administration in the future would focus on "protecting customers and investors," being a priority of her newfound focus.

The Vice President also highlighted that with her being the US leader, they will create a "safe business environment" and be "consistent and transparent" with the rules. It was not revealed by VP Harris if there are specific regulations or actions she would take regarding crypto, but her latest claim is a game-changer in the industry.

The United States Politics and Crypto

The United States is nearing its next election which will decide its new leaders that will reign over the country for the next four years. Among the many industries that need their attention, cryptocurrency is among them. Donald Trump has positioned himself as an ally of the digital assets, vowing to make America a "crypto capital" worldwide and positioning Bitcoin as a superpower.

It is also known that Trump claimed to eliminate massive hindrances to crypto's growth, including the current SEC chair, Gary Gensler, best known for his massive regulatory crackdown in the industry.

However, despite his renowned stance on cryptocurrency, Trump still faced significant controversies in his campaign in different focuses. His family-led businesses and ventures in the blockchain industry also faced skepticism from the public and, quite notably, the people around him.

The American public has since awaited VP Harris' stance on cryptocurrency, especially during Trump's rousing campaign which claimed a notable position on crypto.

This shows that the presidential race is tight, and the public is still considering both sides, especially in their views of the crypto industry and how their leadership could change it.

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