(Photo : Bzigo)

Mosquitos are an age-old problem commonly tackled by old-school solutions. The most effective of these need to be applied and reapplied using chemicals, and those that seemingly look modern, using UV light and ultrasonic methods, do not really work. That's why Bzigo has developed artificial intelligence (AI) technology that fits today's expectations and implemented it in a smart home gadget that uses AI to identify and track mosquitos in your home 24/7. This first-of-its-kind alert system prevents mosquitoes from ever catching you off guard.

Utilizing AI Technology to Track and Eliminate Mosquitoes

So, how does it work? The Bzigo Iris first uses AI technology to identify an insect in your home as a harmful mosquito, using computer vision to accomplish this task even in the dark. Once identified, it proactively alerts you via a notification from the smartphone app and emits a harmless laser that tracks the insect before it has a chance to find you. From this point, you only need to eliminate the mosquito. 

The Failings of Traditional Solutions

Other tech-based solutions, such as light traps and CO2 traps, are not proactive in the same way, enabling mosquitoes to evade capture and find you in the safety of your home while allowing them to get away uncaptured before finding their mark. Bzigo Iris, on the other hand, proactively alerts you to a room's threat, ensuring that the mosquito does not escape and has no time to bite.

Mosquitoes have the technological ability to find humans by detecting exhaled carbon dioxide and through infrared radiation. Bzigo has developed an even more high-tech response to this issue, using an AI algorithm to detect mosquitoes before they approach. Once plugged in, the Bzigo Iris starts working proactively and will alert you when necessary. It is also safe for babies, children, and pets, and it saves you from using traditional methods to control mosquitoes in your home, such as chemical repellents. This allows you to keep your home chemical-free, which is especially important as these methods of repelling mosquitoes have demonstrated harmful effects on humans, especially if ingested. Bug sprays can also be unsafe for children and pets, who are in particular need of protection from mosquitoes. Bzigo Iris is also odor-free, making it a safe and sustainable alternative to traditional methods.

Providing 24/7 Protection

Again, unlike temporary bug sprays, Bzigo Iris' solution works around the clock. As long as the device is charged or plugged in, it provides constant protection—even in the dark. There's no need for replacement parts or chemical refills; the product works on its own to alert you to any and all mosquito threats. With a quick notification from the app, you're ready to address the issue before you ever get bit.

For Gadget Lovers, Parents, Atopic Persons, and More

Bzigo Iris is the newest standard for indoor mosquito protection, ideal for gadget lovers, parents of small children, and individuals with mosquito allergies, skeeter syndrome, or other immune diseases. Prioritizing safety and innovation in the home, Bzigo Iris is a valuable home investment.

Available directly from the company's website, the Bzigo Iris' $339 price packs the newest technological advancements into an impressive package for those willing to invest in superior home protection. Bzigo even had an extendable electric swatter that folds and reaches mosquitoes in tricky places. Theirs is not a temporary solution but a long-term answer to pests and peace of mind, offering the ultimate in mosquito protection to future-focused homes.

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