Matthias Tepel and Killian Dunne
(Photo : Matthias Tepel and Killian Dunne)

"What if we can build software that can navigate software products?" The future of interface interaction was born through this question, asked by Killian Dunne, co-founder and CTO at Telepathic Software, Inc., a company that is revolutionizing how individuals interact with software using AI. Dunne and Matthias Tepel, CEO and co-founder at Telepathic, believe that building software that is capable of navigating software products will unlock an entirely new and improved interface for users. By simplifying complex software navigation, Telepathic is making technology more accessible and user-friendly for everyone. This ambitious vision is the driving force behind Telepathic, a company whose mission is to use artificial intelligence (AI) to transform how people interact with software.

Software Navigation: Full of Bumps

AI has revolutionized language understanding, image recognition, and predictive analytics, resulting in groundbreaking improvements across a wide range of industries; however, software interfaces have yet to follow suit. This is usually blamed on their complexity, as software applications are designed to be powerful and feature-rich, but this often comes at the cost of user-friendliness.

Users often struggle with intricate menus, hidden features, and convoluted workflows, leading to understandable frustration and decreased productivity. The average user may find themselves overwhelmed by the seemingly endless choices of options and commands, resulting in a steep learning curve and most features lacking engagement. The problem is especially difficult for individuals who are not particularly tech-savvy.

Telepathic is dedicated to developing a natural language interface for understanding and performing actions to solve this longstanding issue with user interface interaction.

The Duo Behind Telepathic

Tepel and Dunne have combined their considerable experience and expertise to bring their vision of simplifying software interactions to life. Self-proclaimed "builders of something new," the talented duo have joined forces to build the next great technology disruptor.

Matthias Tepel: A Leader

Matthias' career began with studies in electrical and industrial engineering before he undertook consulting and venture capital roles. During this time, Matthias gained invaluable experience in business and strategy. He later applied this knowledge to make a huge impact at Tier Mobility, a company that is changing urban mobility through eco-friendly and accessible electric vehicles. There, he oversaw marketing, branding, sales, and strategy. His ability to identify pain points and develop solutions was key in scaling the company to a valuation of $2.5 billion.

As an angel investor and advisor, Matthias has also contributed to the broader technology space by supporting early-stage companies and sharing his expertise in strategy and scaling.

Killian Dunne: The Technical Mastermind

Killian is a mathematician turned entrepreneur who has done everything from building rockets and Hyperloop pods to programming software products. Killian's AI and software engineering expertise has propelled Telepathic's technological innovations, and he has dedicated his career to discovering how AI can enhance and simplify software interactions. Early signs of this include a browsing algorithm he made (and still uses) during university and co-browsing software (to perform actions in the browser autonomously) while CTO of Homeland. His innovative approach involves creating an AI that can autonomously understand and navigate software products, allowing users of all skill levels to embrace and understand new technology.

Telepathic's AI Technology: "Techie" Background Not Required

Telepathic simplifies how an individual navigates software products by replacing traditional clicking-based navigation with a search widget for users to type or speak to reach their goals instead. This is only possible because of Telepathic's core technology: an AI that understands how to navigate software. It does this by scraping the product, capturing its functionality, and synthesizing it for users.

Such technology has never been created before—a bot that can navigate both open webs and closed, gated web apps, removing the barriers that often prevent users from fully utilizing digital tools, including complex interfaces, limited digital literacy, and inaccessible technology.

Telepathic's Far-Reaching Benefits

The benefits of Telepathic's AI technology extend beyond simply creating more user-friendly technology. It also empowers individuals and businesses to achieve more with the technology they have, leading to improved time management, higher employee satisfaction, and a more inclusive digital landscape. For businesses, it enhances employee productivity, reduces the need for extensive training, and minimizes support costs. By enabling employees to quickly and easily navigate complex software, businesses can maximize the return on their investments and operate more efficiently.

Telepathic's technology holds the potential to open up new opportunities for software platforms. By integrating Telepathic's widget into their applications, developers can make their products stand out, increase user engagement, understand their users better, and offer a superior user experience. This leads to increased market share and a significant competitive advantage in a crowded software landscape.

One to Watch: On the Road to #1

Telepathic recently attracted investment from several of the hottest angel investors in the industry in their latest funding round. Some names include Aravind Srinivas (CEO, co-founder of Perplexity AI), Cal Henderson (CTO, co-founder Slack), (including Andrey Khusid: CEO, co-founder Miro), and more. The company's focus on autonomously understanding and navigating software products sets it apart from other AI solutions, as does its dedication to building a company culture that attracts and retains the most talented employees by creating a positive and inspiring work environment.

Killian Dunne envisions Telepathic as a place where employees are motivated and challenged, ultimately creating a mindset that goes beyond just serving customers. By fostering a culture of excellence and creativity, Telepathic aims to create a workplace where employees are motivated to push the boundaries of what is possible. 

Telepathic's commitment to innovation and culture creation is a key part of its strategy for long-term success. It is this strategy that has not only captured the attention of industry experts and early adopters but also positioned Telepathic as a future leader in AI-driven software navigation.

Building a Legacy

As Telepathic looks to the future, its founders are committed to innovation and making a positive impact. Matthias Tepel and Killian Dunne are not just focused on creating a successful company; they are dedicated to making a lasting difference with a new interface for navigating any software. Their vision for Telepathic extends beyond immediate success, and their long-term plans include leaving a legacy that inspires future generations of entrepreneurs and innovators.

The Future of Interface Interaction Is Now

Telepathic Software is revolutionizing how individuals interact with software through its innovative AI technology. By simplifying complex software navigation, Telepathic is making technology more accessible and user-friendly for everyone. The company's visionary leadership, cutting-edge solutions, and commitment to excellence position it as a transformative driver in the software industry. With a clear mission and a dedication to progress, Telepathic is set to redefine the future of interface interaction.

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