Arjun Kannan
(Photo : Arjun Kannan)

We live in an era of vast technological innovation and improvement, but it's one in which many of the latest advances have been met with skepticism and fear. Artificial intelligence, better known as AI, has been introduced into industries around the world, from entertainment to manufacturing and beyond to mixed reception. For decades, the idea of authentic artificial intelligence has been the stuff of speculative narrative and science-fiction stories. More often than not, these works of fiction served as cautionary tales about the potential dangers of AI and how its introduction into some far-flung futuristic society could cause harm to humanity's way of life. But AI is here now, and that future has become our present-day reality. 

While the issue of AI's implementation is complex and multi-faceted, Arjun Kannan's innovative work at property management platform ResiDesk has gone a long way toward showing that artificial intelligence is not necessarily a threat to human intelligence but can work alongside it to improve their work.

In reference to his storied history with AI and work at the forefront of cutting-edge technology, Kannan says, "My journey in technology started while I was studying physics at Cornell. I found that I enjoyed creating software tools to help my colleagues more than working in the lab. This realization led me to pursue a career where I could use technology to solve real problems."

This became the driving idea of Kannan's tech ideology: to enhance the human experience by utilizing theoretical technology to solve real-world issues in practical ways. His first experience with testing the metal of this ideology came in the form of his position at BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager. "At BlackRock, I focused on bringing advanced financial tools to advisors and retirees. This work impacted over 5 million people, showing me the power of technology to make a tangible difference."

Kannan's History of Innovation

After his tenure at BlackRock, during which he brought unprecedented success to their advanced financial tools division through his technological innovation and implementation, Kannan moved on to a position at the student payment platform Climb Credit, where he worked as chief technology officer and chief product officer in engineering, product, and data. Kannan began delving even further into the technological possibilities of utilizing AI to regulate and evaluate various potential factors and found it to be an immeasurably helpful asset to his work. "I developed an underwriting system that evaluated future earning potential, making education loans more accessible. This initiative helped over 5 million students afford education and switch careers."

Seeing how AI was able to actively enhance the lives of so many through these practical applications, Arjun recognized the true potential of AI and co-founded ResiDesk, which specializes in property management. Kannan says that his goal at ResiDesk was to "revolutionize property management [with] our AI-powered platform [that] has improved communication and operational efficiency for property managers and enhanced living experiences for over 1 million residents. This success [has] demonstrated that AI could solve real problems and have a significant impact."

Kannan adds, "The inspiration to co-found ResiDesk came from witnessing the transformative potential of AI. While working at BlackRock and Climb Credit, I saw firsthand how AI-driven projects could make a big difference, creating value that could be accessed by everyone, not just a select few."

While Kannan acknowledges the possible drawbacks that an overreliance on AI can have on many industries, he feels strongly that the benefits vastly outweigh the drawbacks as long as the AI is utilized intelligently and paired with a distinctly human touch. "My focus has always been on using technology to solve real problems, demonstrating practical applications of AI across different sectors. These innovations have shown the impact of tech-driven solutions on everyday lives," he stated.

Finding New Applications

By bringing these advanced technological applications of AI to property management, Kannan has altered how business can be conducted in the industry. "At ResiDesk, I led the development of our AI-driven resident concierge platform. This project fundamentally changed how property managers interact with tenants, using natural language processing to improve communication and operational efficiency." In this way, Kannan has made AI a valuable tool in the hands of highly-trained and capable real-life human employees. The AI enhances their ability to keep open communication with their tenants, helping to preserve an authentic human connection between the team and their clientele even further. While many initially doubted this methodology, Kannan points out that the results speak for themselves. "The platform significantly boosted tenant satisfaction and streamlined management processes for property managers."

To further his point, Kannan points out that his team's "AI solutions have enhanced living experiences for over 1 million residents, demonstrating the power of technology to solve real problems. This project highlighted the potential of AI to bring about practical, impactful changes in the real estate industry."

Slow and Steady Change

An industry that is as established in its way of doing business as real estate is not likely to change overnight. Overcoming resistance to technological change in property management involved demonstrating the tangible benefits of AI to both property managers and tenants through partaking in and speaking at many conferences. However, as many workers in the industry have been working in it for decades, they can be highly resistant to change, as Kannan discovered for himself: "Changing an industry that doesn't often change, like real estate, was a significant challenge. At ResiDesk, we introduced AI solutions in a traditionally slow-moving sector. We achieved this through relentless innovation and teamwork."

Kannan hopes to leave a trail of success that can help influence others to break down the perceived barriers of certain industries and embrace changes that actively enhance human lives, saying, "AI has the power to transform industries, but its true potential is realized when combined with a human touch. It's not just about shiny new features; it's about creating solutions that genuinely improve people's lives."

"Every project I've worked on, from BlackRock to ResiDesk, has been driven by a simple mission: use technology to solve real problems and help people. That's what keeps me motivated and excited about the future," he adds.

Through it all, the challenges that Kannan has faced have taught him valuable lessons about resilience and adaptability, which have continued to serve him incredibly well in the specialized field of technology entrepreneurship. 

"Our work at ResiDesk is about more than just technology. It's about understanding residents' needs and creating solutions that genuinely improve their living experiences. Our technology isn't just leading the way; it's changing the game. The industry was focused on resident portals and ticketing systems. Now, thanks to ResiDesk, everyone's pivoting to AI chatbots to enhance the resident experience—but they're still missing the power of the human connection we provide... we'll revolutionize real estate financial decisions with resident insights," Kannan concludes.

Pushing forward, Arjun Kannan is thrilled to see growth and a larger sense of understanding when it comes to the various ways in which AI can be used to improve quality of life. By revolutionizing industries one task at a time, Kannan hopes to begin to sway the general public, people working in the real estate industry, and skeptics alike, showing them that it isn't an issue of AI over human intelligence but rather AI enhancing human intelligence.

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