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There may be a significant move from Netflix Games coming soon, as it recently hired new talent in the form of an ex-Epic Games executive vice president for game development to lead the renowned division of the company. Under Netflix Games, this new member of the team would head the division as its president, speculated as a move for its future expansion.
Earlier this year, Netflix Games announced its roadmap for 2024, and this includes as many as 14 new titles that will be accessible via the streaming platform.
Netflix Games is Expanding: Hiring Former Epic Games Executive VP
Pascal Le Segretain/Getty Images
Netflix Games is expanding its team by hiring former Epic Games executive vice president of game development, Alain Tascan, as the new president of the division, according to a report by Variety. It is believed that Tascan would help bolster more of what Netflix Games can offer in the future, especially with his colorful experience at one of the world's top gaming companies.
Tascan is credited with his hand in overseeing Epic Games' successful first-party title developments including the likes of Fortnite, Fall Guys, LEGO Fortnite, and Rocket League.
With this massive experience over at Epic, Tascan would help expand more of what Netflix Games has to offer for its future in game development.
What to Expect from Netflix Games and its New President?
It is known that Netflix Games currently offers 100 titles available in its library for subscribers to access using their streaming platform accounts, but there is a lot more in store for users in the future. Netflix Games previously revealed that it is currently developing over 80 titles that will be offered by the company soon, alongside its upcoming expansion to other platforms via the cloud.
Netflix Games and What It Has to Offer
What started as a list of several titles accessible via one's streaming subscription, Netflix Games has evolved into a game developer and publisher that offers a massive list of titles available to download. However, the caveat is that these games are only accessible on the mobile platform's dedicated app stores for Android and iOS, with the Netflix subscription guaranteeing free access.
Despite this being Netflix Games' current setup, there were plans revealed last year that would expand more of its gaming experiences to users, centering on setting up cloud gaming in the future. First off, Netflix's cloud gaming offers would be made accessible to computers and smart TVs, and next, it would expand more on offering games from other platforms, beyond mobile gaming.
Midway through 2024, Netflix Games announced that it is adding 14 more titles for subscribers to enjoy starting last June and more for later this year, already boasting of 100 games in its library.
The latest from Netflix Games may not be new developments or announcements, but onboarding a veteran from Epic Games will help bolster more of the division towards its plans of expanding more of the experience for all.