A new way to access Google's Gemini AI is now available, as the internet company now makes it available via Android devices' lock screens, an upgrade from previous experiences. Before this release, Google only allowed the Google Assistant voice assistant to be accessible on locked screens, using the generative AI for different actions and functions.
However, this would not deliver on the full functionality of Gemini devices, as it could only answer 'general questions' according to the company.
Google's Gemini AI Now Accessible via the Android Lock Screen
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images
The latest update from Google's Support page details Gemini's newfound access available on Android devices, particularly via its lock screen. This means that users no longer need to open their Android smartphones all the time to access Gemini's generative AI features and functions to enjoy what it has to offer, but it has several limitations.
Users only need to turn on their 'Gemini on lock screen' settings to 'ON' to take advantage of these features right on their devices.
To toggle it on, users only need to open Gemini and look for their profile picture or 'Initial' and browse the chatbot's Settings. After this, turn on 'Responses on lock screen' to access the feature.
Gemini on Android Lock Screen: 'General Questions' Only
Google claimed that this chatbot access on Android lock screens is limited, and it can only answer 'general questions' when prompted by users. This limited functionality also serves as a privacy feature that would keep away unwanted access to one's data via the chatbot, especially as it can function despite the device being locked, and not revealing any specific or sensitive information.
Google Gemini and Its Android Features
Google's development of its Gemini AI expanded on its renowned Android operating system, with the multimodal model meant to be used on various devices, especially with its smartphone platform. The company expanded on making Gemini more accessible for mobile devices, introducing it to the Android Studio platform for developers to create new apps based on it.
Since Gemini's debut last December 2023, Google's renowned AI chatbot has been made widely accessible to Android, from its integration to Google Assistant, and more. Additionally, Google also introduced Gemini to its Workspace suite, particularly for the Android version, with the likes of Gmail featuring a Gemini AI button, alongside Drive, Docs, Sheets, and more.
Despite having a rocky start earlier this year, Google ensured significant improvements for Gemini to expand on its multimodal capabilities, also prioritizing its Android features on smartphones. The recent feature made available on Android is the new Gemini access via its lock screen, using it more than what Google Assistant offers, with its generative AI accessible but only for general questions.