
(Photo : TechTimes)

Airport Security has become a familiar aspect of modern society, but Airport Cyber-Security is becoming increasingly important, with secure infrastructure being a key part of that.

As the digital and physical worlds become increasingly intertwined, the vulnerabilities in our critical infrastructure systems are more apparent than ever. Airports, being the nerve centers of global travel and trade, have emerged as prime targets for cyberattacks. In this high-stakes environment, Actelis Networks is taking steps to enhance the security and connectivity of airports worldwide. Recently, Actelis announced that it had secured new orders for its cyber-hardened IoT networking solutions in airports across Japan, India, and Poland, under a multi-year global contract with SITA, a leader in airport operations management systems.

The Rising Cybersecurity Threats to Airports

Cybersecurity expert Alexandra Forsyth, in an interview with Express UK, recently highlighted the growing threat landscape facing major infrastructure. Hackers, particularly hacktivist groups, are increasingly targeting airports and train stations, aiming to disrupt operations through attacks like distributed-denial-of-service (DDoS). Such attacks can cripple critical systems, leading to canceled flights, halted train services, and significant financial and logistical repercussions.

The recent cyberattack on Liverpool Airport by the Anonymous Collective underscores these vulnerabilities. Although the attack had a limited impact, it serves as a stark reminder of the potential for disruption. Similarly, incidents at Los Angeles International Airport have exposed critical weaknesses in their operational technology systems, further emphasizing the urgent need for robust cybersecurity measures, starting from the ground up in terms of an secure-infrastructure first approach.

Actelis' Role in Enhancing Airport Security and Connectivity

In this challenging environment, Actelis is a unique player in the fortification of global airport infrastructure. Their hybrid-fiber solutions can provide immediate, fiber-grade connectivity using existing infrastructure, whether it be fiber, copper, or coax. This capability seems crucial for modernizing airport operations, supporting applications such as cargo and luggage handling, ticketing, and security. According to the International Air Transport Association, airlines transport over 62 million tons of cargo annually, representing more than 35% of global trade by value. Ensuring the security and efficiency of these operations is paramount for global travel and economy.

Tuvia Barlev, Chairman and CEO of Actelis, emphasized the company's pivotal role: "We are incredibly proud of the continued expansion of our cutting-edge solutions across international airport networks globally through our partnership with SITA. As the IoT industry rapidly expands and cyber threats grow, Actelis is in a unique position to help the industry quickly move forward, with both cost-effective, smart IoT implementation, as well as cybersecurity enhancement to legacy networks. Our work with SITA is a great example of Actelis' hybrid-fiber networking offering being introduced into the worldwide market, with a global operator, thus making a difference across an entire industry. With Actelis' solutions, SITA can implement its vision of operational excellence and enhanced cybersecurity in airports across the globe, on time and under budget."

Integrating Security with Connectivity

Airports are sprawling hubs with multiple buildings providing vital services such as cargo handling, luggage management, ticketing, and security. These operations require robust, real-time tracking and monitoring capabilities to ensure smooth and secure functioning. Actelis' hybrid-fiber solutions enable airport operators to achieve this level of connectivity quickly and cost-effectively, without the need for extensive new infrastructure.

Mission-critical operations at international airports also require a cyber-hardened solution to protect data within the network. A cyberattack at a major airport could have disastrous consequences for daily operations. Actelis' technology, certified by the U.S. Department of Defense, employs advanced encryption protocols to safeguard against such threats, ensuring that data remains secure and operations continue uninterrupted.

The Future of Cyber-Hardened Infrastructure

The recent orders to supply international airports in Japan, India, and Poland are a testament to Actelis' role in providing secure, efficient, and scalable networking solutions. These deployments not only enhance connectivity but also offer protection against cyber threats, addressing the critical need for cyber-hardened infrastructure in today's interconnected world.

As cyber threats continue to evolve, the importance of infrastructure defense seems to grow. Actelis' ability to provide immediate, secure connectivity solutions while integrating seamlessly with existing infrastructure positions them as an important player in the ongoing effort to safeguard our increasingly digital world. The ongoing collaboration with SITA and the rapid expansion into international markets highlight Actelis' role in driving forward the digital transformation and cybersecurity enhancement of critical infrastructure globally.

In a world where cyber threats are becoming more sophisticated and pervasive, the role of robust cybersecurity measures cannot be overstated. Actelis Networks remains at the forefront of this battle, with Airports being just one recent use case of their technology, alongside smart City Infrastructure, IOT, and more.

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