The popularity of live video among younger users is evident from the widespread adoption of platforms. As a response, Instagram continues to evolve its platform with new features designed to deepen user engagement and enhance privacy. 

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(Photo : Alexander Shatov from Unsplash)

Instagram Live for Close Friends

Instagram has introduced new features to improve user engagement and privacy. Starting today, users can restrict Instagram live broadcasts to their Close Friends list, ensuring a more intimate viewing experience. 

Engadget reported that this new "Close Friends on Live" feature allows up to three additional participants to join these private livestreams, facilitating activities like trip planning, homework collaboration, or casual catch-ups. 

Moreover, the update includes the ability for influencers and content creators to host private livestreams, potentially catering to a paid audience. Live video has emerged as a vital link for younger users, evident in the widespread adoption of DM video chats, TikTok Live, and the now-defunct Omegle

Apps like Houseparty also gained popularity, showcasing how online video connections have empowered teens to sustain relationships and community, especially during periods spent at home.

Instagram's introduction of Close Friends on Live seeks to capitalize on this trend, offering users another avenue to connect within more intimate groups and nurture community bonds directly within the app.

Additionally, users can now add music to carousel posts containing videos, enhancing the platform's creative possibilities. By expanding how users can interact and share moments within more intimate circles, Instagram continues to evolve as a platform that caters to the diverse social needs of its community.

This innovative feature enriches the user experience and reinforces Instagram's role as a leading social media platform dedicated to facilitating authentic and personal connections.

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Instagram Expanding User Privacy, Engagement Features

Instagram has been offering users the ability to restrict the audience of their posts and Reels exclusively to their Close Friends. This shift reflects a growing desire among users for more private interactions with friends and followers. 

Instagram highlights the increasing popularity of features such as direct messages (DMs), Close Friends lists, and Notes, underscoring the platform's commitment to meeting user preferences for more intimate and selective social engagement.

Instagram has unveiled new, lesser-known functionalities of its Notes feature, which was introduced recently. Users can now post videos directly within a note, temporarily replacing their profile photo. 

Additionally, Instagram has added a festive touch with confetti animations when users send birthday wishes using phrases such as "happy birthday" or related terms while mentioning a friend with @-mentions in a note.

Finally, Instagram has rolled out an exciting update to its feed options. Users can now add music to carousel posts that feature videos, expanding on the previous capability limited to carousels with only photos.

Instagram's introduction of Close Friends on Live underscores its commitment to enhancing user engagement and fostering meaningful connections, particularly among younger users. 

Related Article: Instagram: Live Scheduling, Practice Mode Comes to Better Livestream Experience by Users

Written by Inno Flores

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