One of the top wearables from Meta and Quest was 2022's Quest Pro, and reports now claim that its successor has already begun developments since November 2023, more than a year since its initial release. It was regarded as one of its most powerful releases, centered on heavy processes and capabilities, with Quest Pro 2 looking to continue its stride. 

The question now remains when Meta will deliver on the Quest Pro 2, especially given the recent reports about its development since seven months ago.

Meta Quest Pro 2 has been Under Development Since November

According to a new report from The Information, Meta has been working on a successor to its renowned VR-focused device, with the insiders claiming that this is the Quest Pro 2. The report claims that the development started last November, focusing on a new "high-end" headset dubbed internally "La Jolla."

Quest Pro

(Photo : ROBYN BECK/AFP via Getty Images)

It was added to the report that the name La Jolla rings a massive bell from the previous leak from Meta centering on its Quest roadmap. This is because a Quest Pro 2 device slated for 2024 was seen in the roadmap and bore the same codename. 

Moreover, the report added that this same roadmap accurately pinpointed Quest 3's existence and its release date from last year. 

Read Also: Meta's New XR Headset Unveiled, Reports Claim It Looks like Apple's Vision Pro

When is the Release Date of the Quest Pro 2?

The suggested year for Quest Pro 2, a.k.a. La Jolla, is this year, but according to UploadVR, the release date is still unsure because of previous reports contradicting it. 

It is known that a collaboration between Meta and LG for the next Quest Pro is slated for 2025, but LG said that it is pushing these developments for later in 2027. 

Meta's Quest Headset Wearables

Meta released the Quest Pro in 2022  when the company centered on VR (virtual reality)- focused devices. This was its most expensive wearable, at $1,500. While it was initially considered an egregious price for Meta's wearables, three times pricier than its typical releases, it offers significant performance, 8-hour battery life for its controller, and more. 

After this, Meta's next release is its initial foray into MR or XR (mixed reality), which is centered on Quest 3. This offers the best of both worlds' reality in one device.

However, this does not mean that the Quest Pro's VR-centered approach is forgotten, as there were initial rumors behind it, centering on the Quest 4 Pro being its successor, partnering with LG for its display, and will arrive by 2025. 

Quest Pro did not perform well in the market and was considered to be a "mid" compared to its other headsets and devices, especially against Quest 3. That being said, the Quest Pro lineup still has a special place within Meta, centering on continuing the VR experience, particularly with the company's upcoming development under Quest Pro 2.

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Isaiah Richard

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