There have been massive efforts to keep AI in the elections of different governments worldwide, but in the upcoming UK elections, 'AI Steve' is looking to take its place in the Parliament. The new artificial intelligence system consists of an AI-generated avatar that captures Steve Endacott's likeness, with its chatbot capabilities made by Neural Voice.
That being said, AI Steve will not be running its operations solo, as its maker, Endacott, would still fulfill his part in the human side of things while utilizing the AI's capabilities.
'AI Steve' is Running for Parliament in the UK
A new artificial intelligence entity is now running for office in the United Kingdom; he is known as AI Steve and is looking to take his place as a Member of the Parliament (MP) in the future. AI Steve is specifically running for Sussex's Brighton and Hove, taking Brighton's pavilion seat under the Smarter UK independent party, and is now listed on the ballots.

The AI chatbot will be at the forefront of speaking with voters in Brighton and Hove and will consider what they want or are looking for in future policies an MP would push forth.
However, AI Steve will not represent the physical side of things exactly, as one of his makers, Steve Endacott, will bring these to the Parliament should he and his AI get elected.
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Steve Endacott and Neural Voice's AI Steve
On the website, voters may speak with AI Steve and discuss policies and governance with him, and this is its specific purpose from Endacott, made in partnership with Neural Voice.
AI Steve refers to itself in the third person and can answer questions. Endacott believes that this could help improve democracy and hear different points of view.
Artificial Intelligence on Elections
There have been massive efforts to hold elections worldwide. This year, several nations are looking to hold the process of determining their next leader, and the US is searching for its next president. However, the massive presence of generative artificial intelligence has proven to disrupt its sanctity and processes, especially with how easy it is to create fake news and deepfakes that threaten it.
However, the threats to elections are not only from one's country, which is looking to sow chaos amidst the public and the government; there are also other sinister forces in play. The US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) previously warned about foreign adversaries, including China, Iran, Russia, and others, who are now utilizing generative AI to launch disinformation campaigns in the country.
Private and public companies have also taken a step towards preventing their AI technologies from being misused by bad actors for the upcoming elections including Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, Meta, and more.
That being said, Endacott believes that AI will do wonders for this election and be part of the UK Parliament in the future, with AI Steve now stepping up for the job at hand.