Ryan Stoltzfus of Job Hackers Network, on Leveraging Networking and Personal Branding to Stand Out and Land Your Dream Job

"I'll never forget the moment it finally clicked for me," recalls Ryan Stoltzfus, leaning back in his chair. "I was having my dreaded '300th layoff conversation' at the HR tech giant ADP. Seeing that fear and pain in someone's eyes as you're the bearer of bad news..."

"It was in that moment that I realized there had to be a better way. My 'Inside First' program had already helped hundreds of employees avoid layoffs and save the company millions. But leadership didn't want to scale it. That's when I decided to go out on my own."

Ryan's experiences made him realize just how broken the traditional job search process is for professionals. Resumes get lost in applicant tracking black holes, networking is an inefficient grind, and personal brands often go unnoticed by key decision-makers.

Fast forward a few years, and Ryan's startup, Job Hackers Network, has grown into an elite career acceleration firm, having partnered with over 300 clients, many in operations, engineering, and tech leadership roles at companies like Microsoft, Qualcomm, NVIDIA, and Amazon. And the results speak for themselves, with most clients averaging increases of 20–30% in compensation, and as high as 100%.

Ryan Stoltzfus
Ryan Stoltzfus

So how do they achieve such dramatic career and income growth for clients?

By combining one-on-one and group coaching with technology, personal branding, and data-driven strategies organized into three core pillars:

Building Your Branding Foundation

"Most professionals lack clarity on their true value drivers and the right strategies to market themselves," Ryan explains. "We start with intense self-discovery using strength-based assessments to unearth their unique skill sets and hidden talents." By doing so, they can build the foundation for crafting a personal brand narrative that positions their client as a world-class solution for an employer's needs while also playing to their greatest strengths.

With this brand foundation in place, clients optimize their resumes to deliver their stories and value propositions effectively. Their LinkedIn profile is also revamped to make their personal brand shine and catch the attention of prospective employers.

Execute Your Strategic Job Search

Armed with a powerful personal brand, clients are guided toward identifying their target companies where they can maximize their impact and compensation. Ryan then teaches a step-by-step process to network directly with hiring managers and gain internal company referrals.

"According to CNBC, 70% of job openings are never published publicly, and a study LinkedIn conducted showed that 70% of participants hired by a company had an inside connection. If you're not networking and making connections with decision-makers and the people working at the companies you want to work at, you're leaving so much on the table."

With the ideal companies defined, clients are equipped with scripts and strategies to enlist their network as advocates, directly reaching out to insider employees and decision-makers at the target companies.

As interviews line up, intensive coaching is provided to help clients with interviews, adeptly selling themselves and communicating their value proposition. The goal is to receive multiple customized job offers rather than simply reacting to what's available.

Ryan Stoltzfus
Ryan Stoltzfus

With competing offers on the table, clients enter the negotiation phase with Job Hackers Network's expert guidance on leveraging the opportunities, navigating counteroffers, and optimizing to secure their maximum market value.

Continuous Improvement and Optimization

Throughout the process, data-driven analysis identifies where clients are gaining traction and yielding the best results. Their activities and time investments are then targeted accordingly for maximum efficiency.

Branding materials like resumes and LinkedIn profiles are continuously updated and edited to speak to the precise pain points of hiring managers they are pursuing. An activity planning tool helps clients stay on track and maintain a productive cadence each week.

By taking a comprehensive, multi-phase approach, Ryan's clients are always working towards their long-term career goals. "We take a very proactive, consultative approach to put our clients in the driver's seat and in control of their career, rather than being at the mercy of the traditional job search," Ryan says.

Clients rave about finally feeling empowered to earn at their highest potential while doing work that energizes them. As one VP of Operations shared, "I'd been severely underpaid and working roles misaligned with my talents for years. After Job Hackers, I landed my dream role at a 38% raise and have a clear pathway to continue growing."

For Ryan, it's about more than just job searches. "We aim to shift the mindset so professionals see themselves as a business-of-one, with us as advisors to maximize their brand and revenue over the long-term career."

Ryan's ambitious goal? To empower 100,000 business leaders to grow their impact with the same level of career clarity, strategy, and effective self-marketing skills he's grown to learn over the years.

"No one should have to experience that awful conversation of being discarded like damaged goods after years of dedicated service," Ryan states. And if it does happen to them, they should be able to confidently tell their spouse, I've got this, and I am in control. "We're taking a stand to help professionals take full control, avoid the typical pain and pitfalls that follow layoff scenarios, and land roles that truly allow them to shine."

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