Mars Mt. Olympus Mons Show Water Frost Forming Around It—Researchers Astounded

This new discovery is now challenging the knowledge on Mars.

The tallest volcano in Mars' equator region, Mt. Olympus Mons, was recently discovered to have water frost forming around it, and it is now a massive phenomenon for researchers. The latest findings were thanks to the European Space Agency's ExoMars and Mars Express missions, which are now challenging what was initially believed regarding the Red Planet.

These volcanoes are also considered to be the tallest on Mars, and in the entire solar system, a feat initially thought impossible.

Mars' Mt. Olympus Mons Show Water Frost Forming

A new release from the ESA revealed a massive discovery that presents a new phenomenon for researchers. The agency's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter and later the TGO and Mars Express both observed it. It was found around Mars' equator, particularly in the Tharsis regions, where massive volcanoes reside, including the tallest, Mt. Olympus Mons.

Mt. Olympus Mons from Mars Express

It was initially thought impossible as the "mix of sunshine and thin atmosphere" could stop these formations of water frost, as the temperatures are high on mountaintops. However, lead author Adomas Valantinas regarded the region as having water frost formations.

These formations were seen around Mars' sunrise and evaporated when sunlight hit. They are one-hundredth of a millimeter thick only but cover a wide area.

Researchers Astounded with Mars Volcanoes

Researchers were astounded by the discovery of water frost amongst Mars Volcanoes, and despite being as thin as human hair only, these represent about 150,000 tons of water from the surface and to the Martian atmosphere daily, especially during the cold seasons.

Their study was published in Nature Geoscience's journal earlier this week.

Water on Mars: The Foundations of Life

One of the biggest studies on Mars is finding water on the neighboring planet, especially one that will point to signs of extraterrestrial life, something space agencies are looking for clues to in their missions. NASA previously tasked the Curiosity rover with looking for the clues behind Mars's "ancient waters,"but these are no longer available.

Searching for water has different purposes for the space agencies on Mars, and first off, one of the reasons behind this is to determine if the Red Planet is a suitable habitat for astronauts and future humans.

On the other hand, some studies look into the ancient living creatures that previously resided on the Red Planet, with a recent discovery of spider-like creatures.

There are still massive mysteries that shroud Mars and other planets that we know of, which are yet to be known, and with each passing day, discoveries await humans that rewrite what they know of. The recent discovery of water frost in the Tharsis region and near Mt. Olympus Mons is only the start of much more evidence of the possibility of water presence on the planet.

Isaiah Richard
Tech Times
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